Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 522644114790023168
Algebra is quite literally Arabic. @FACINEMA
"Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr", literally meaning "reunion of broken parts") is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis." The early roots are Babylonian, but Persian mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī wrote The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing, which established algebra as a mathematical discipline that is independent of geometry and arithmetic.
^^^ alright which one of you posted this lmfao
Arabs barely contributed to algebra which was originated by ancient Greeks and Mesopotamians.
Pretty sure most of the “arab” algebraists were actually Persians writing in Arabic anywya
I just got reddit yesterday. Can mods ban you from commenting or replying to comments? All I did was state that James Livingston was very anti-white, and people starting down voting it and making suspicious comments about my account.
@Axel It might be good to delete the account before they really get a good look at you
I don't have anything IE related though. I just commented on an IE related post. @Deleted User
These type of comments push universities to change their minds. Money talks!:
Twitter post of article above.
The replies. 👌
If you have a Facebook sock account and would like to be added to the Tucker Carlson group that was mentioned recently on TDS, please DM me.
James Allsup is in there dropping redpills left & right.
apparently they know more about what’s good for us than we do
Strange how it's only "the western world" that needs more migration. 🤔
Because they think they have a hold on Europe already so they need us to comply to ensure their agenda comes to fruition
Check out @fred_guttenberg’s Tweet:
@Conway - OK The results are 69% yes, but almost all the people in the comments I'm seeing are lefties (unironically hating on white men <:really:453005408064241674>).
Check out Julian von Abele (@VonAbele):
^^^kid from that viral video saying he loves white people and isn't ashamed. He is a physics student
Violent revolutionary anarchists have Patreon and we do not. Read this thread and report their Patreon.
Reported. Good find. Amazing how people get removed from patreon for far less.
True that
If you link to the tweet, people will be able to retweet it
Good morning nice respectable people\
Good modship open for fellow identitarians to get in on
Check out @notch’s Tweet:
$300,000+ raised in the first day.
Check out @FT’s Tweet:
The GoFundMe Wall campaign has over $500,000 in 2 days.
Now, this: