Discord ID: 95546444764688384
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everything happening reminds me of this
i can't stand ordering at Subway, you have to pick everything anyway
while i'm hungry and my stomach is eating itself while looking at food i'll eat, eventually
watched the sjw getting attacked by sjws,didn't quite get if it was a person or website that is named colette (spelling?)
GDPR isnt really anything new, if you were compliant to the previous recommendation (forget the name) you barely had to change anything for most of them, from what i have heard system maintainers talk about it
tl;dr in some ways the behaviour is remenisant of sjws
or factual emotion vs emotions in the worst case
from my pov welfare is a cheap insurance against criminality and instability, if done correctly though
well if we are putting it like that, you are trying to mooch of the "wellfare state" by not paying taxes
you could probably setup a big boat in international water and live there
or build a cylindrical spinning space station, but they both cost a lot of money
@Dr.Wol Death cannon? you have caused international incidents before even leaving concept stage ๐ฆ
speaking of that though, have you seen Isaac Arthur?
well you could argue they are a type of commerce, since you get something out of the exchange
yeah you can't just spend money on stuff that never going to pay into the system in some way or another
pretty sure most would not pay them if they could, but you'd not have a working government either
it's quite easy to say no to draft in peace time or where war is very far away
well if you are a tight nit community that pulls in the same direction, then it might be possible to run without taxes
i'm afraid the current society is so far removed from the workings of the idea how a country works for opt-in taxing to work
kinda if you were to not pay taxes for e.g roads, what prevents you from just not pay and still use roads?
@ExceptionalFeather how much is cremation anyway?
well there is this where you become buried with a tree
@ExceptionalFeather afaik it is diseases that is transmitted via close relation between the species that eats and get eaten
think scishow had a video on infrequent cannibalism might be "good" for you
was not a strong argument to do it, but it was interesting
@Dr.Wol *"finally some company it was getting boring here"*
i wonder if you can set the bot to not accept commands in channels
@Deleted User we didn't vote for you
dunno where i watched a video where they talked about it, but it is suprisingly long
i'm suspecting it is a divide and conquer tactic
"mother of all wars" considering the traditional nature of middle east and iran, it will be a dishing contest?
speaking of Messeging software there are fair amount of alternatives
matrix (protocol), Zulip and Mattermost also (Slack like alternatives)
@Timcast upon seeing the twitter ban video, first thing i came to think of <>
i should have an article on how to use hubzilla as well, but that one is more like facebook
*maximum default message length is 500 charactets*
iirc on mastodon you can limit who can read the post, followers only etc
yeah twitter "threaded conversations" are the wurst
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