Bjorn - MD

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Eesh. Yeah, my Friday was pretty rough as well. So glad it's the weekend...

"Lead actor Ryan Gosling threw more gasoline on the dumpster fire when he defended director Damien Chazelleโ€™s decision to leave out the flag. The landing, he said, was a 'human achievement,' not an American one, and a victory โ€œtranscending countries and borders.โ€

@TV Yeah.

He's working really hard to lose those honorary identitarian points he accrued with *Drive* and *Blade Runner 2049*...

@TV Don't be heteronormative, bigot. *It* should be a tranny, too.

Neilinx Bergblattsteinowitz

@Salo Saloson Awesome. More money for muh IDF, amarite? make weapons for the IDF <:sad:366743316475281408>

Yeah, I know, but the difference is, at least everyone else *pays* for them, rather than looking upon them as a tribute from a colony.

They only take from us what they don't yet have the economies of scale to produce themselves.

Looks like AltHype's trying to change the conversation:

Huh. Well, technically, it's the normalization of homosexuality that's made it intolerable, rather than the phenomenon itself, though I know I may be stepping on the toes of the "throw 'em in a bog" crowd, but given his obvious conflict of interest, his opinions on the matter should be taken with a big grain of salt...

Agreed. It is unambiguously damaging, whatever the scale...

It just seems to be a perennial thing, so the question is how to remove it from the everyday conscuousness of normal people without being unsustainably draconian about it...

@NITRODUBS I'm not scientifically literate enough to know for sure, but there does seem to be a lot of anecdotal evidence for a biological component, and rarely, a predisposition, but in most cases, it does seem to be something into which people are socialized, often by abuse.

@ThisIsChris Agreed. People feel entirely too free too speak explicitly about sex in public. We need to expand the scope of public decency laws, so that people reembrace the art of the euphemism.

@NITRODUBS Pretty much my feeling as well. That's what I meant when I talked about a biological component or predisposition, a heightened susceptibility to bring "triggered."

@Salo Saloson This is an explicitly adult forum, lol. I'm mostly talking about public spaces where there are children present.


Nah, no sweat.

I'm a big fan of the Russian "Prohibition of Propaganda of Homosexuality and Pedophilia."

If you deny them access to kids (other than their own), then natural demographic change will keep the problem sandboxed .

I think A LOT of them don't realize how bad things have become.

It's been accelerating more and more...

@NITRODUBS Maybe gays can be cured, maybe they can't, but either way, they can be triaged into making a positive contribution to society. The only cure for pedophilia, though, is the rope.

Solid new docu from Jonas Nilsson about Swedish support to the MK and ANC:

Over 11k already watching live.

@Matthias Yep ๐Ÿ˜Ž

@bspon002 Man, Vincent's really closin' the gap.

@Suomi Stronk I approve of this.

I approve of this as well.

"Make America 'real, red-blooded, working class American' again." ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Suomi Stronk I like the idea of going to a Swiss system.

The Boer and South African Commando Systems were pretty similiar, and achieved amazing results against numerically, technologically, and economically superior enemies.

@PontifexMaximus - Ky Yeah, that video's pretty awesome.

@NITRODUBS @Suomi Stronk ...and just the fact that there's elevated crime means that there's a higher demand for law enforcement services, even if said demand isn't being met.

@NITRODUBS Yeah, but's there's no reason to shy away from *certain demographics* being disproportionately responsible for crime. That's one of the cases that we're desperately trying to make ๐Ÿ˜‰

...unless your research is being presented in a venue where that's off-limits.

Oh. Yeah. That's what I was getting at, lol.

...but, of course, it holds true for everyone.

@NITRODUBS For sure, there are HUGE distinctions between racial groups when it comes to the prominence of criminality among single-mother households. I mostly grew up in one, in a neighborhood with many others, and our idea of the "criminal element" was that you didn't go over to play at one kid's house in particular, because his dad was rumored to "smoke reefer," lol, but violent crime was unheard of.

Doesn't mean it's optimal, though, obviously.

@NITRODUBS Yeah. Well, widows are a different case in that they didn't abandon their wedding vows, but instead lost their spouse. Sorry you had to go through that, though.

...and all I meant by that was that I don't fault widows for their situation, though I think it ultimately behooves them to remarry.

"Till death do us part." Death nullifies wedding vows.

...after an understandable and respectable period of mourning, obviously.

Depends on the culture (and religion), and obviously some cases are understandable (i.e. instances of abuse, wherein the abusive spouse is recalcitrant), but I think that the overwhelming impetus should be directed toward preserving the integrity of the marriage, and although I do have my own metaphysical views, this particular position is mostly rooted in sociology, rather than any kind of religious imperative.

...and I'm not saying that, if you're divorced, I condemn you as a piece of crap, and refuse to associate with you. Obviously, our generation is one that's just now starting to find its legs, and blindly feeling out a new path. I'm sure as hell far from any ideal, but ideals have their place nonetheless...

@Infineon What I'm saying is that a man and a woman who enter into marriage together, and who then find themselves feeling "miserable," should see as it as their primary priority to get to the root of what it is about each other or themselves that's making them feel that way, and try to address it, showing a willingness to swallow their pride and leave their comfort zones in attempting to do so, rather than just throwing in the towel.

If we, as identitarians, and as White people, can't even find it in ourselves to form one, single functional and rewarding relationship in our lives (and the most meaningful and consequential, for that matter), then how can we possibly expect to be able to form relationships in the kinds of numbers, and of the the kind of depth required to effect the degree of change necessary to save our people?

The word is "humility."

Mind you, just for the sake of full disclosure, I've never been married, though I am intimately familiar with the kind of life that results from a single-parent household. That said, it seems that I've hit a nerve...

@Argument of Perigee Very subtle, lol

Fair enough.

@Campbell4732 Something for us to aim for ๐Ÿ‘

Reason #2,364,578 to look forward to the ethnostate: having benches in train stations again.

Interesting aside: black girl climbing down off the platform to show her friends that she can stand on the tracks.


Agreed. I'll praise it in public, but I'm gonna bitch about it here, lol.


...and based ISRAELI blacks! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Re-watching Alien 3 right now, and a black prisoner and pastor is saving Ripley from being raped by four White prisoners... 'Cause that's ever happened.

It's all so tiresome...

@Grossly Incandescent Yeah. Like so many of us, I love Mel, but listening to him mouth that tired, anti-Afrikaner BS still makes me wince...

Given the type of guy his father was, I think he was woke long before then, but he also knew who signed his paychecks.

Kinda sucks that we had to wait until the age of internet piracy to realize how necessary it is to have a film industry to reestablish and reinforce our narrative...

Yeah, I've been meaning to go back and watch those John Ford films. As much as I like John Wayne, his stuff is hit or miss. Tried to watch Rio Lobo yesterday, but couldn't get beyond the union = good guys, Confederacy = bad guys routine...

Report on IDF funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of โ€˜army's censor' - Jerusalem Post to RT

@Reinhard Wolff says we should wait approximately two minutes before entering the chat, so he can enjoy the sound of our entrance...

"Globalists, bafangul!"

@ThisIsChris What if we can deadlift 600 pounds sterling, and make five figures?

@Reinhard Wolff Just a random suggestion, rather than a question, but just for the sake of survey accuracy, next time, we should probably let more time lapse after a large-scale action, because honestly, my answers were heavily colored by the fact that I was still riding the high... ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Vexilla with Patrick's face when?

@Virgil We have bumped into at least one scenario where a guy who was relatively new thought we were being serious.

(Irish-built) Pyramids... from China to Peru...

@Deleted User The child will complete the system of German idealism...

Must... Not... Make... Joke... About... Irish... Profanity... <:nervous:359009898115104770>

@Deleted User Mike Enoch: "So, here's the thing about pizza..."


@Reinhard Wolff Whenever reading Russian literature, it's usually best to stick to Pevear & Volokhonsky translations.

"One love... One heart... Let's get together and feel all HuWhite..."

Live music makes the fireside experience complete ๐Ÿ‘

No, not at all. Pat was Trump before Trump, but likely with a stronger intellectual and metaphysical foundation.

People are reading Culture of Critique.

Viking Age Mindset

Man, he definitely made hay at the hearing today:

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