
Discord ID: 504415076510597130

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no robot fuckers

oy vey

turtles are ghey

@Fitzydog that's because he's an arab immigrant

@Deleted User I'm gonna have to report you for grooming


Non existence gender


Reaps is dead all hail reaps

๐Ÿค” big if true



BPS is a white nigga in jap land



The age of it

They've been doing what? 23 seasons now?

I'm pretty sure trey and Parker actually want to kill it off

Meaning they probably don't want to do it anymore


@Skyeranger there ain't nothing quite like that eternal REEEEing 2 years ago

that's a special tier of disgusting

@MountainMan how you enjoying divinity

@Broo TulsiGang 2024 ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ oh that's easy
```Answer: A bunch of rapes that no one will care about```

Turwife really is an npc

@M4Gunner women are also bad at making cock

Fake penis

@turtwig how's that **S O Y** rice

@Mickey D open in new tab then


He needs to pull a "screw optics, I'm going in"

Should be in <#485861475462807562>

You should be telling the girlies that


WEW lad


and you know hipsters don't breed

Why you posting garbage?

This ain't news

It's because American teens haven't felt real hardship yet

And they feel entitled to the world

Wtf is going on

Status quo

What ever the status quo is atm

Kaden: "I was just pretending to be retarded"

@Deleted User so just like talking to a woman then?

Wishy washy as all hell

A bunch of shit comes out of her ass <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

@Deleted User I believe it's called "Rules of Radicals" , no?

So that makes you a socialist then. <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

You know they're snakes

@Deleted User nice drawing of kaden

@Ruggwain context please

I know but

at least it isn't *enrique*

Jesus christ

kaden is such a goddamn brainlet

jUsT rAiSe TaXeS oN cOrPoRaTiOnS

because then those coporations will just leave

you know this how?

you should be taxed 30% @Deleted User

@meratrix m8 that's a fucking third to fifth of your income

50% of the country pays $0 in taxes

why not go all the way


So the poor?


Do you even listen to yourself?

Non vets and non stem deserve to be taxed the fuck out

Just admit you hate liberty ffs

>Massive taxes

FYI The only liberal is a classical liberal

Anything else isn't liberal

"Under communism, people are largely unable to do what they want within the confines of the system, and they have little say in the determining confines of the system" -Reality

I sure as fuck wouldn't quote hitler on smokers even though I sure as fuck abhor smoking

Mr Invisible Hand doesn't want a free market?
Are you high?

And your education isn't going to do you any good either <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

Noam CHomsky is a fucking linguist

And personally fuck that asshole

Retarded linguistics sweeping into CS

Anything to the left of classical liberalism is retarded


@Fitzydog she'd be a ghanan warlord

@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] you can't have a conversation with someone who doesn't understand you

The United States, never was, is, or will be a social democracy

You still demonstrate a lack of understanding of basic economics @Deleted User

"Stalin was so hot" - @Deleted User

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