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Thanks Werlf
Musubi is the food of kings
Spam Musubi ๐
The food of Kings Hawaiian
time to break in this channel?
Post your best Spam recipes!
I got to go to a Q&A with the guy who made that movie
praise the modds
Jon Favreau is gr8
what's syrah?
A type of wine
Ever had wine infused cheese
The ganache is wine infused with a hint of raspberries
With very nice crackers, yes
While the frosting is raspberry vanilla
Fucking pleb
it's called meat
One of my favorite things to make is Chicken Tikka Masala
I make the sauce from scratch
@Werlf dis nigga knows
I like bacon and eggs
you ever had scrambled eggs with sour cream?
Another good thing is Carbonara
And pasta Aglio e Olio
I generally have fried in the morning
@Werlf are you an italian kike?
because it's quicker
less preparation
just slap some havarti on
@Deleted User an English Kike
no good culinary tradition
English kike? Like the Rothschilds?
and with the cast iron pan, letting it heat the leftover bacon grease, it takes about 20 seconds to cook the egg
I made a modification of Pasta Aglio e Olio that added mushrooms, leeks, and Sicilian and sweet Italian sausage.
That shit was good
@Fitzydog aren't they german kikes?
@meratrix italians would cruxify you for that
Shh, you're ruining my pun.
So, far off, but yes
My last name is from my dad, which is Wilson
Fucking el generico
Anyways, Bagels and Lox is the king of breakfast food
sounds familiar, but dunno whaat it is
Smoked Salmon
cream cheese too?
The best breakfast
sounds good
but I do like me some bacon and eggs
on weekends
I prefer cornbeef hash
bacon, four eggs with sour cream and cheese, scrambled, and hash browns
What am I looking at
soup and rice
Presentation = 0/10
would probably taste decent though
oh boy
now I finally have somewhere to post stuff from camping This place arguably has the best Fish and Chips in North America, fucking amazing
also had pancakes
but those were cooked over a camp stove
so they don't count
but let me tell you
I was leaning over that fire
cooking bacon and whatnot
and we had 1.2 cu ft of firewood on it
it was 30 degrees f out and I was getting sweaty while sitting still
@Antiboom looks fan fucking tastic
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