Message from @galesteppes

Discord ID: 508174167426859008

2018-10-31 01:41:45 UTC  

Water ain't flavorful

2018-10-31 01:41:58 UTC  


2018-10-31 01:52:14 UTC  

no, I don't wanna just put it in the pot without cooking it with water for 30 minutes

2018-10-31 01:52:30 UTC  

It ends up tasting dry and salty

2018-10-31 01:53:56 UTC  

I cooked it in water and after it dried I seasoned it a bit, tasted rather interesting

2018-10-31 01:56:48 UTC  

If it ends up dry and salty then cook for less time and add less salt.

2018-10-31 01:57:29 UTC  

You lose so much damn flavor to the water when you boil meat.

2018-10-31 01:57:41 UTC  

Unless your making a stock, do not boil meat.

2018-10-31 01:57:54 UTC  

Braising is delicious as fuck though.

2018-11-01 19:40:57 UTC  

@Deleted User If you're going to cook in water I recommend adding to the water at least some stock/bouillon of whatever meat you're cooking, probably no salt. Either follow a recipe or you'll probably have to do it a few times to get a feeling for it, especially considering different meats absorb flavors differently, and obviously ground beef will absorb far more quickly than a whole cut due to surface area alone. If you just want to add to taste a rule of thumb is to add enough that the water starts to taste like a light soup broth. If the broth tastes too salty, the finished product will. Also don't use more water than you have to, you want to submerge the meat fully but not deeply. You can add more water as necessary. Meratrix says never cook meat in water but that's just not true, but you do want to do a bit of research because it is harder to get right than other methods. For example, cooking ground beef in a pan of water with beef stock and spices makes some really dank juicy taco meat, but it's also very easy to overcook. Also cook covered as much as possible to seal everything in. And definitely don't overcook.

2018-11-01 19:42:59 UTC  


2018-11-01 19:50:50 UTC  

I used ground pork and before seasoning it I put some water on the pot, like halfway (donโ€™t have exact measurements). After the water began boiling I added the pork and let it boil with the water to separate any fat and make sure itโ€™s properly cooked. Then I seasoned it a bit and added it to the hamburger helper. Though, I expected it to take like 15 minutes @Thomas the Sowell Train [USA]

2018-11-01 20:01:10 UTC  

@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] "You don't cook meat in water." When I say that I mean pure water. No Bullion, no spices, no basic seasoning, nothing.

2018-11-01 20:01:41 UTC  

And cooking in a pan is not what I was referring to, we were talking about boiling ground pork.

2018-11-01 20:08:09 UTC  

And when you braise, you leave a bit of the top out of the liquid.

2018-11-01 23:43:40 UTC  

Ah okay. I misread you then.

2018-11-03 14:30:59 UTC  

that's a special tier of disgusting

2018-11-03 14:46:00 UTC  

oh no

2018-11-03 14:46:05 UTC  

i agree

2018-11-03 14:46:09 UTC  

that should be a sin

2018-11-03 14:53:04 UTC  

Mmmmmm blue paint and rice... Looks delightful.....-_-

2018-11-03 19:25:55 UTC  
2018-11-03 19:32:16 UTC  

monster energy ham is the most 30 year old boomer thing i have seen today

2018-11-04 06:13:37 UTC  

any non-vegans. they're having a 99 cent burger and frank sale

2018-11-04 06:14:12 UTC  

very high quality beef, vacuum sealed, delicious

2018-11-04 18:58:40 UTC  

he has a dead cow in the basement and takes off some slices for every meal

2018-11-04 18:59:02 UTC  

He has a cow that he drinks blood from every morning

2018-11-04 19:00:19 UTC  

maybe it s a strung up cow in a freezing unit, maybe some rotting carcass

2018-11-04 19:00:39 UTC  

He absorbs the essence every night

2018-11-04 19:01:37 UTC  

he does have a vampire vibe going