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bah got banned from count dankulas server again too much work to stay there XD
i said " count donkula, how can someone even make that mistake?"
then before i could share the link to the newspaper i was banned XD
@radeon furred riech ?
great im putting nazi into FA to see what happens wish me luck
annnd intsant regret
cause i like the second kind
Canada in the top 5?
have you met my leader >.>
no not him her in alberta
not the PM the contury the preimer of AB Rachel Notley is just the worst..
Rachel Notley " heyt we just had 40K people lose there jobs, so 5K serian refuges aught to fix it"
hey 20% of our whole province is on fire all at once and you can see it from space, "lets cut the fire fighting budget by 70% and tell everyone they will be arested for trying to help" Rachel Notley\
actual things that happend
yeah people in BC with fire supression planes offered to help and she threatend them with areest should they try.
well the commander for forest fires was litteraly begging for more help.
2 people died and a whole town was burnt to the ground 6 days after it started
flying in unautherised airspace and the charge you get for recklessly endangering yourself so people have to come get you
that from like ISS height
that big black mark is where it's been
that not true at all, the way we used to fight them makes them worse
we stoped stoping all fires years ago,
we even start them now on purpose to destroy undergrowth before it becomes a problem
the tactics have changed fighting fires is still very needed and usefull
the problem is cutting the maitanece budget is why this kind of fire even happend
it was all ready set up for a pre burn 2 years ago and never got done cause of the budget.
it's not fine in the long term at all
people died hunderds of homes were destoryed
in the heart of the oil industery
yes and these blazes running out of controll is cause by people in the past stoping every fire and, not having the budget to do preburns and fireline clearcuts
yes but when you pay tax to mantain the forest aorund you and it's used for trips to fucking india you get a little pissed
i was about to commit to hate speach there got to be more careful
justify what?
oh they dont,
well aside from "diveresty"~
i live in the texus of canada. which is nice
we allready do both
we have the largest oil deposit in north america and we make all your medical radioactive shit in our reasearch facilitys.
you cant tell me the H fights of today are anythign like the past
and i bet he got a pentaly for it
full game supensions for fighting?
yet noone elected him
it was out here
update that to all the french canadians
serriously i never met one who was eithor not an ass or so stuck up there nose could sratch the sky.
as they should
well he legalised weed in the worst way possible
dont ge tme wrong it shoudl be legal just not how it was done
i met him face to face just after the election i serriously considered 20 years.
well what ever he will be out next cycle
5ish years ago
being retarded is bad for your health
a whadfoock im in pepe's people when did that happen XD
not how our elections work
you ready for the list?
k i read this pretty quick but it sums up their legacy pretty well
thats a but far but yes they were bad for canada
all those came after him
nevermind the fact he forced the whol you need to speak french to get into polotics thing
except i speak 3 none of which are french
i would actualy have to agree with con on that one.
been across all of canada the native heavy spots are the worst.
thunder bay is almost visably cut in half by the stark differnce
i actualy dont see that as a problem so long as they are productive
if you want to see lazy white people go to manitoba
@The Real Kaivik im not meti at all but i am native and inuite and i have to say he's right
my best friend is first gen lebanese and he's a rich ass banker now
yeah thats a problem
there i say you go to far
there are quite a few not chill ones on the east side of calgary
go to east calgary then
not sure if it's still this way but when i was in highschool they could have the swords but they had to have some sort of band to keep them from being pulled.
wraps around the handle and the sheath
i am actualy disturbed at the # of canadians here
like 6 by my count
contra you still got ice?
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