
Discord ID: 481597551272001546

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2018-10-04 22:50:21 UTC

Ya I'm going to register to vote via the discord API....

2018-10-04 22:50:55 UTC

Apparently it shows Amy Schumer's arrest at some point but I haven't seen it yet

2018-10-04 22:55:26 UTC

It is really telling that they all have matching, professionally printed signs and tshirts

2018-10-04 22:56:46 UTC

Haha man they misplayed this so bad. Didnโ€™t expect Kavanaugh to have every day of his summer documented

2018-10-04 22:57:11 UTC

These chimp outs only push moderates to the right. No one sees this type of behavior and goes left

2018-10-04 22:57:22 UTC

Donโ€™t forget to register/vote friends

2018-10-04 23:02:21 UTC

Graham was not expected to become Bane overnight lol

2018-10-04 23:02:43 UTC

McCain def had something on him

2018-10-04 23:04:38 UTC

Absolutely, something changed

2018-10-04 23:08:12 UTC

This passed unnoticed for me. The DoJ is really going all out to push polls against Trump

2018-10-04 23:10:26 UTC
2018-10-04 23:11:12 UTC And Jazz and Jesse starts in just over an hour

2018-10-04 23:11:48 UTC

Glad he went to Minnesota, 3/4 sears up for grabs

2018-10-04 23:12:58 UTC

Was bored at work the other day, he actually could have won Minnesota if Mcfuffin and Gary Johnson werenโ€™t poaching votes

2018-10-04 23:13:10 UTC

2018-10-04 23:14:00 UTC

If you give him those and give Hillary Jill steins votes he takes like 6 more

2018-10-04 23:17:17 UTC

A student of mine told me today he feels like itโ€™s โ€œbecome the thingโ€ to hate on white people

2018-10-04 23:26:46 UTC

What's the name of the song at the end of FTN?

2018-10-04 23:35:43 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD I think it's custom made for FTN

2018-10-04 23:35:51 UTC

I like that song a lot

2018-10-04 23:36:01 UTC

If you find out it has a name then please let me know

2018-10-04 23:36:26 UTC

White Hot Takes - Borders Closed

2018-10-04 23:39:59 UTC

Thanks @Logan

2018-10-04 23:40:18 UTC

Limited State <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-10-04 23:40:40 UTC

did trump just say he'd win for *a thousand years* <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-10-04 23:41:02 UTC

<:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-10-04 23:41:04 UTC

Every day he comes closer to becoming... the *one.*

2018-10-04 23:41:47 UTC

Gen X is happening

2018-10-04 23:41:47 UTC

Is he... the โญ ๐Ÿ‘ถ ?

2018-10-04 23:48:15 UTC

"The Democrats are willing to do anything and to hurt anyone to get the power they crave." -Trump RN

2018-10-04 23:55:42 UTC

Dogwhistles galore at rally. Love it

2018-10-05 00:03:28 UTC

Oof we should show that guy our California anti-sanctuary state banner! <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-10-05 01:16:20 UTC


2018-10-05 01:16:36 UTC

"Germany tomorrow" might wanna block that out too if you're hiding what that is

2018-10-05 01:17:26 UTC

Interesting that it aligned you with the young turks

2018-10-05 01:17:37 UTC

Can you post that test?

2018-10-05 01:21:01 UTC

What up with Donna? ๐Ÿค”

2018-10-05 01:35:33 UTC

2018-10-05 01:41:03 UTC

Hell yeah

2018-10-05 01:41:25 UTC

@micbwilli lol. What IS up wit Donna? I canโ€™t believe she still has a career after throwing Hill under the bus.

2018-10-05 01:42:15 UTC

โ€œRebecca Metzโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-10-05 01:44:30 UTC

Every. Single. Time?

2018-10-05 01:45:01 UTC

Sheโ€™s all dolled up with nowhere to go. Oy vey.

2018-10-05 01:45:16 UTC

Classical Marxism -50%
Baathism -50%
Facism -50%
Integral nationalism -50%
Three Principles of the People -50%
Juche -60%
Kemalism -58%

I'm not sure what half of these are...

2018-10-05 01:45:47 UTC

@micbwilli what do you stand for, sir.

2018-10-05 01:46:36 UTC

A government that promotes racial sovereignty of it's people.

2018-10-05 01:46:52 UTC
2018-10-05 01:46:58 UTC

Indeed, sir, indeed.

2018-10-05 01:47:11 UTC

Had a smile on the whole video

2018-10-05 01:47:30 UTC

Saw a woman in Kroger today with 5 sons and one daughter. Looked like the happiest person on earth too. JEALOUSY INTENSIFIES

2018-10-05 01:47:41 UTC

I like trees and animal and stuff.

2018-10-05 01:48:21 UTC

Thatโ€™s cool! @MrBland - VA I

2018-10-05 01:48:57 UTC

@NITRODUBS get crakalakin lady!

2018-10-05 01:49:11 UTC


2018-10-05 01:49:36 UTC

huh if I was in that situation I'd be tempted to keep having kids until the genders even out so the one girl isn't awkward

2018-10-05 01:49:38 UTC


2018-10-05 01:50:25 UTC

What are your top 2 baby names of each gender?

2018-10-05 01:50:48 UTC

Other than Nitrodubs

2018-10-05 01:51:14 UTC

My friends have a family of 14 siblings. Almost all the girls are older than almost all of the guys. I wonder if the parents never intended to have 14, they just kept having daughters and wanted a few sons.

2018-10-05 01:52:01 UTC

Violet, after my great grandmother, Rose, just because i really like flower names lmao.

Jackson, after my dad, Jonathan, just because itโ€™s a strong name

2018-10-05 01:52:09 UTC

@Jacob my best friend is one of 9. I think some people are just Catholic.

2018-10-05 01:52:20 UTC

My family is Catholic

2018-10-05 01:52:27 UTC

Itโ€™d be really cool if my son had blue eyes, because I was named after my dad because we were both the only ones in the family with blue eyes

2018-10-05 01:52:29 UTC

@NITRODUBS I like those!!

2018-10-05 01:52:47 UTC

But everyone in my family has green eyes and my boyfriends family has green eyes so Iโ€™m doubtful lmao

2018-10-05 01:52:57 UTC

Animal of the day is Frizzel Chickens. FYI.

2018-10-05 01:53:00 UTC

I like names that have natural nicknames. The more the better.

2018-10-05 01:53:07 UTC

@Jacob got the same results minus the Ataturk option. Any idea how you got that?

2018-10-05 01:53:14 UTC

In fact, all the Polish immigrants in the area have small families, and they're all Catholic

2018-10-05 01:53:30 UTC

There it is @NITRODUBS โ€œFrizzelโ€

2018-10-05 01:53:38 UTC

Thatโ€™s why I like rose a lot! The name ages really well, because when youโ€™re younger โ€œRosieโ€ is such a cute name, but when youโ€™re older, rose is just really elegant

2018-10-05 01:53:50 UTC


2018-10-05 01:54:23 UTC

@Kingfish No idea, but I took the same test earlier and got significantly different results after making sight changes. So it seems pretty sensitive.

2018-10-05 01:54:30 UTC

My girl will be Leni. My son Loki. Hoping for twins.

2018-10-05 01:54:46 UTC

All the plant names are pretty good. Daisy. Hyacinth. They are all pretty chill.

2018-10-05 01:55:01 UTC

On one hand I like the sound of having twins, on the other, Iโ€™m already risking pregnancy with my weak organ tissue so that would probably destroy me lmao

2018-10-05 01:55:21 UTC

oh hyacinth is a good one. Went to school with a girl named that and she was really smart and nice

2018-10-05 01:56:03 UTC

> Not naming your son Patrick Casey

2018-10-05 01:56:44 UTC

IE rule # 25: all IE children must be named โ€œPatrick Caseyโ€

2018-10-05 01:58:05 UTC

Do old southern names like Daulton, Hirum, and such. They are good for boys.

2018-10-05 01:59:44 UTC
2018-10-05 01:59:45 UTC

Patrick Casey [Lastname]

2018-10-05 01:59:52 UTC

The comment sections hillarious

2018-10-05 02:00:11 UTC

Abunch of black women fighting to make sure everyone knows they're the most downtrodden

2018-10-05 02:00:21 UTC

Victim olympics at its finest

2018-10-05 02:05:05 UTC

Says the millionaire who, happens to be marginally talented.

2018-10-05 02:05:08 UTC

Says the *woman* worth $230 Million. <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-10-05 02:06:13 UTC

Already bought 3 stickers. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป ๐ŸŒฒ

2018-10-05 02:16:28 UTC

Want to see some REAL crazy?

2018-10-05 02:23:53 UTC

I don't even know what to say about this.

2018-10-05 02:24:12 UTC

Somehow I'm a communist and an Odalist at the same time.

2018-10-05 02:24:14 UTC


2018-10-05 02:24:26 UTC

Lmao that sure is something

2018-10-05 02:24:27 UTC

Please tell me a reborn doll is not what I think it is. These aren't a replacement for a child that died is it. I seriously will not be able to sleep.

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