Message from @bspon002
Discord ID: 497588829985832961
I like names that have natural nicknames. The more the better.
@Jacob got the same results minus the Ataturk option. Any idea how you got that?
In fact, all the Polish immigrants in the area have small families, and they're all Catholic
There it is @NITRODUBS “Frizzel”
That’s why I like rose a lot! The name ages really well, because when you’re younger “Rosie” is such a cute name, but when you’re older, rose is just really elegant
@Kingfish No idea, but I took the same test earlier and got significantly different results after making sight changes. So it seems pretty sensitive.
My girl will be Leni. My son Loki. Hoping for twins.
All the plant names are pretty good. Daisy. Hyacinth. They are all pretty chill.
On one hand I like the sound of having twins, on the other, I’m already risking pregnancy with my weak organ tissue so that would probably destroy me lmao
oh hyacinth is a good one. Went to school with a girl named that and she was really smart and nice
> Not naming your son Patrick Casey
IE rule # 25: all IE children must be named “Patrick Casey”
Do old southern names like Daulton, Hirum, and such. They are good for boys.
Check out @BetteMidler’s Tweet:
Patrick Casey [Lastname]
The comment sections hillarious
Abunch of black women fighting to make sure everyone knows they're the most downtrodden
Says the millionaire who, happens to be marginally talented.
Says the *woman* worth $230 Million. <:really:453005408064241674>
Already bought 3 stickers. 👌🏻 🌲
Want to see some REAL crazy?
Somehow I'm a communist and an Odalist at the same time.
Lmao that sure is something
Please tell me a reborn doll is not what I think it is. These aren't a replacement for a child that died is it. I seriously will not be able to sleep.
@micbwilli no. It’s the new cat lady/pit mommy.
Idk it’s so creepy.
@sigruna14 what is this from
Stalin is less Communist in the traditional meaning. He ran the bolsheviks out and was a statist, rather than a move towards a global overturn towards a stateless society that is unattainable. @sigruna14
Is this site gathering our info to use against us later? 🤔
Well by golly, guess it's NazBol Gang time for me, then.
Gang gang!! 😀
I think NazBol is listed as a bad optics thing in our new rules. The flag looks pretty risqué.