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2018-10-03 16:37:47 UTC

We're paying off a lawsuit **and** still doing huge events all around the Country, I'd say we're doing *just* fine on capital.

Monetary capital is not the only thing we need, social capital as well. Rebranding would make us lose one of the two essential buildings blocks we need to succeed to power.

2018-10-03 16:38:38 UTC

...and the Dragon's Eye is probably too esoteric. There are plenty of recognizably American symbols that are pretty edgy.

2018-10-03 16:38:57 UTC

@Rabbidsith By keeping the logo and the Identity part of our name, we wouldn't lose much in the way of brand recognition. Identity Columbia has a certain European and American ring to it that people can get behind.

2018-10-03 16:39:28 UTC

why not keep IE AND plant some seeds for a "new" org?
i know it would require much more work, but we could alwyas jump ship if need be

2018-10-03 16:39:28 UTC

When I hear "Colombia" I think of the third world hellhole of Colombia, no offense

2018-10-03 16:39:40 UTC

@Bjorn - MD im on board with the american symbol change

2018-10-03 16:40:09 UTC

But keeping the name

2018-10-03 16:40:21 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo /Identity Colombia/

2018-10-03 16:41:39 UTC

@Bjorn - MD The capital of the USA is the District of Columbia

2018-10-03 16:41:51 UTC

@Bjorn - MD The fact that nobody has heard of identitarianism is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it makes it hard to do the elevator pitch.
On the other, it allows us to explain what we stand for on our terms. Abandoning it for Americanism where we have to clarify that Americanism risks looking either civnat or WN 1.0 Overall, one of our greatest assets is that we define ourselves, not anyone who came before us.

2018-10-03 16:42:00 UTC

@Nemets Agreed. I'm just saying that the homophone factor could get dodgy.

2018-10-03 16:42:21 UTC

fortune 500 companies spend millions if not billions on rebranding.
it's usually done incrimentally or drastically, depending on the severity of need due to market or PR problems.
right now we are in a good spot (for now), but small adjustments down the line couldn't hurt

2018-10-03 16:42:29 UTC
2018-10-03 16:43:01 UTC

I was talking about Columbia, lol.

2018-10-03 16:43:09 UTC

That he was.

2018-10-03 16:43:14 UTC

@TMatthews I think the beautiful thing about that is the fact that we control the entire Identitarian movement by ourselves, which is a rare blessing.

2018-10-03 16:43:25 UTC

Colombia *is* great optics, though...

2018-10-03 16:44:08 UTC

I mean, we could just appropriate the great American figures in our activism and flyers

2018-10-03 16:44:10 UTC

if we were to use past presidents, might i suggest Andrew Jackson?
american af, broke the bank, and DT's favorite.
plus, the left is constantly trying to remove his statue in varying locations

2018-10-03 16:44:16 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo It's pretty much just us and GI (who also have good optics). Everybody else, especially PF just tries to copy us

2018-10-03 16:44:25 UTC

"Columbia" is even more confusing to normies than "EVropa"

2018-10-03 16:44:37 UTC

@TMatthews A sign that what we are doing is perfect <:deye:359010025223618570>

2018-10-03 16:45:00 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo We don't have to appropriate what's already *ours*... ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-10-03 16:45:18 UTC

We could change our name to Fraternity of American Traditionalism

2018-10-03 16:45:27 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo Columbia is a romantic name for America and has a long history of usage here in the US. Afterall our Capital and numerous other large cities and areas are named Columbia.

2018-10-03 16:45:45 UTC

Traditionalism needs a year or two more distance from TWP

2018-10-03 16:45:47 UTC

Or FAT for short

2018-10-03 16:45:55 UTC

@Nemets I'm partial to Jackson myself, but GW would make for a clearer claim to continuity.

2018-10-03 16:46:04 UTC

Columbia is as foreign to most Americans as the idea of American only meaning whites

2018-10-03 16:46:47 UTC

I didn't want to say it, but yeah, I've lived here for half my life and never heard 'Columbia' in a significant sense to normies

2018-10-03 16:47:06 UTC

@TMatthews Columbia has little name recognition at this point, but her image is familiar.

2018-10-03 16:47:11 UTC

We could change our name to a recursive function call that spells out our manifesto

2018-10-03 16:47:29 UTC

@Bjorn - MD i say use the imagery but not the name

2018-10-03 16:47:35 UTC

We could bring back Mrs. America, the lady with the shield

2018-10-03 16:47:43 UTC

@Nemets German-LARPing? Not familiar with that one...

2018-10-03 16:47:54 UTC

@Goose Probably a good call.

2018-10-03 16:47:58 UTC

So Identity Slavropa is off the table ?

2018-10-03 16:48:23 UTC

regardless of people's thoughts about WWII, the war propaganda posters use pretty solid imagery

2018-10-03 16:48:33 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo An American shieldmaiden? ๐Ÿ˜

2018-10-03 16:48:46 UTC

@Nemets Oh, yeah.

2018-10-03 16:49:06 UTC

I just though you meant that he was an overall Germanophile.

2018-10-03 16:49:21 UTC

Strong woman imagery to own the feminists?

2018-10-03 16:49:32 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN joan de arc?

2018-10-03 16:49:46 UTC

@Goose wondering how media would cry about the optics of using allied inspired poster images

2018-10-03 16:49:48 UTC

Some sort of stylized eagle would not be a bad logo actually

2018-10-03 16:50:08 UTC

Eagle = nahtzee

2018-10-03 16:50:15 UTC

@Valaska i think it'd be a slam dunk for us

2018-10-03 16:50:19 UTC

Eagle was NatSoc, even if it was also USA and Rome

2018-10-03 16:50:21 UTC

I think the American woman with the shield would bring in a lot of Wamen, which would carry our organisation to the Mainstream better than we ever could

2018-10-03 16:50:21 UTC

Not gonna fly well with normies

2018-10-03 16:50:26 UTC

@Nemets Huh. Didn't know that. Did you ever hear McFeels' and Ethnarch's deep-dive about how he single-handedly started the French and Indian War, lol?

2018-10-03 16:50:48 UTC

@Bjorn - MD Village burner

2018-10-03 16:50:51 UTC

Yeah maybe. Stupid since itโ€™s already an american symbol but prob right

2018-10-03 16:51:06 UTC

Definitely @Goose "wait a minute, this isn't German what do we do now"

2018-10-03 16:51:06 UTC

Washington was the second richest guy in the colonies (behind Morris)

2018-10-03 16:51:36 UTC

Our symbol could be a blonde trump toupe

2018-10-03 16:51:38 UTC

Oh I do like the woman Columbia though, still has that Greco-Roman feel too

2018-10-03 16:52:24 UTC

seeing the hammer and sickle up there disgusts me

2018-10-03 16:52:25 UTC

A lot of these questions can be addressed by a new poster campaign.

2018-10-03 16:52:34 UTC

@ThisIsChris Exactly, plus she'd make a good mascot for us

2018-10-03 16:53:02 UTC

Norman Rockwell / Hudson River school art / Columbia art on posters

2018-10-03 16:53:56 UTC

How about the American flag with a dragons eye where the stars are?

2018-10-03 16:54:04 UTC

@ThisIsChris That's her, yeah, she would be an amazing figure-head to appropriate

2018-10-03 16:54:15 UTC

Red white and teal ! <:deye:359010025223618570> ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

2018-10-03 16:54:35 UTC

I would keep the flag blue. Just a DEye

2018-10-03 16:54:48 UTC

I don't think the American flag should be altered

2018-10-03 16:54:50 UTC


2018-10-03 16:54:57 UTC

Yeah I'm hesitant to do anything that may insult the US flag

2018-10-03 16:55:06 UTC
2018-10-03 16:55:08 UTC


2018-10-03 16:55:13 UTC

Good point. I guess it would trigger vets

2018-10-03 16:55:36 UTC

Just trying to split the differences being discussed here

2018-10-03 16:57:05 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN, our very own radical centrist.

2018-10-03 16:57:15 UTC

2018-10-03 16:57:41 UTC

It's really hard for normies to be against a beautiful, traditional woman

2018-10-03 16:58:07 UTC

current year would disagree with you...

2018-10-03 16:58:09 UTC

...and if we wanted to have a nice, esoteric giggle to ourselves, we can have her wearing a Phrygian cap ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-10-03 16:58:10 UTC

I say make Americana posters, keep name and logo for now.

2018-10-03 16:58:35 UTC

@Virgil damn that looks good

2018-10-03 17:00:09 UTC

The thing I like about Coloumbia, too, is that she hearkens back to the rugged individualism/still not-quite-settled, territorial West/Teddy Roosevelt era.

2018-10-03 17:00:13 UTC

2018-10-03 17:00:34 UTC

*forehead slap*

2018-10-03 17:00:36 UTC


2018-10-03 17:01:02 UTC

Yeah too bad no one knows that Columbia is another name for America these days

2018-10-03 17:01:18 UTC

Yeah... ๐Ÿ˜‘

2018-10-03 17:01:28 UTC

The obviously havent played bioshock infinite

2018-10-03 17:01:29 UTC

you can thank modern public "education" for that

2018-10-03 17:01:48 UTC

There is something very cool about triangular shapes. It brings to my mind thoughts of a phalanx in wedge formation...

2018-10-03 17:02:10 UTC say nothing of the Pagan implications.

2018-10-03 17:03:09 UTC

@MrDefault Played the demos of 1 and 2. Those were some pretty awesome aesthetics...

2018-10-03 17:03:31 UTC

Very art deco-meets-cyberpunk.

2018-10-03 17:04:03 UTC

The interesting thing I like about the dragon's eye, is that it has several sharp points in a uniformed fashion, which can call out an aggressive feeling when people observe it, but due to the calming colour scheme, the aggressive feelings are negated, and instead you have an easy-on-the-eyes, clean, calming, yet assertive logo.

2018-10-03 17:04:30 UTC

Yeah 1 and 2 are what happens when individualism runs rampant and kills the city more so 1 then 2

2018-10-03 17:04:31 UTC
2018-10-03 17:05:20 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo From the research I've done on color theory and the dragons eye itself, this is exactly the purpose.

2018-10-03 17:05:32 UTC

@TMatthews "appealing to civnats" is a pretty disengenous framing of a reason to change. It's more like, putting **normal** imagery and **normal colors** and **normal** branding to our very **normal** views.

I take it then you are comfortable telling friends and family that you are in an organization who's former leader said, and I quote *"this is a sign that we have moved into a new era in the Nazification of America. "*

and *I work in HR firing niggers and spics all day. Before that I was in the army and I got to kill Muslims for fun. Iโ€™m not sure which one was better, watching niggers and spics cry they canโ€™t feed their little mud children or watching Muslimsโ€™ brains sprayed on the wall. Honestly both probably suck compared to listening to a kike screamโ€ฆ*

You cool with telling Mom and Dad that you are part of that organization, or do you keep it a secret, making up excuses as to why you're leaving the house for 5 hours on a Sunday?

I 'm not, and I have paid the social cost more that I hope anyone should have to for our relatively benign views (not making myself a martyr here, just stating facts).

Wouldn't it be cool to have a normie friendly organization without violent rhetoric, a deadly rally and actual promotion of Nazi ideology?(regardless whether or not it was tongue in cheek). An organization that you could be proud to tell your boss that you were in, or your parents, or some stranger on a plane.

That vision may not happen with a new organization, but it CERTAINLY will NEVER happen with Identity Evropa. A few hundred dollar loss on flyering materials + merch, a new website, keep the twitter, the logistics are fairly simple. Lots of reasons to restart and very little to lose.

2018-10-03 17:05:45 UTC

Holy wall of text Batman

2018-10-03 17:05:51 UTC

lol sorry at lunch

2018-10-03 17:06:08 UTC

Not having a go at Tmatthews btw, just wanted to articulate my thoughts.

2018-10-03 17:06:32 UTC

SOO many reasons to make a new org, and very few downsides in my mind.

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