
Discord ID: 463068752725016579

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2018-07-10 15:37:28 UTC

por que no los dos?

2018-07-10 15:37:40 UTC

who got upset cuz Trump wants to deport her toilet-cleaner

2018-07-10 15:37:51 UTC

I, for one, welcome our new Mexican plumber airline pilot hombres

2018-07-10 15:37:56 UTC

Kelly Osborne was it?

2018-07-10 15:37:59 UTC


2018-07-10 15:38:25 UTC

god i'm terrible with remembering names for certain ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-10 15:38:27 UTC

merit based with a quota, good

2018-07-10 15:38:29 UTC

i always second guess myself

2018-07-10 15:38:34 UTC

open borders bad

2018-07-10 15:38:39 UTC

and that's what this comes down to

2018-07-10 15:38:41 UTC

like how i sometimes think Tim Pool is called Tim Pond

2018-07-10 15:38:54 UTC

sorry, no borders, not open borders

2018-07-10 15:39:14 UTC

I even love how taht other woman goes "Oh thats... No...."

2018-07-10 15:39:24 UTC

she totally knew that was such a bad things to say ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-10 15:39:36 UTC


2018-07-10 15:40:37 UTC

but all in all thats why they prioritise higher-value people for immigration, cuz its a safe bet

2018-07-10 15:41:10 UTC

and it then gives the lower-skilled people less chances to fight over, and that means less people from Less-developed nations

2018-07-10 17:14:42 UTC

Elimination of borders serves two different ideologies, neither of which I agree with. Corporatists would be for the elimination of borders for the sake of easier trade and access to cheaper workforce. The whole reason Socialists are for eliminating borders is redistribution of wealth. The United States is wealthy, and one cannot simply sit on their wealth, it has to be shared. Redistributed. Anyone who wants the wealth of the United States should be able to take it. At least, that's what I get from it.

2018-07-10 17:49:55 UTC

take it, no.. .earn it, hell yes

2018-07-10 17:56:38 UTC

I disagree on that, too.

2018-07-10 17:56:57 UTC

I mean

2018-07-10 17:57:01 UTC

I'm not opposed to immigration

2018-07-10 17:57:05 UTC

you disagree with being able to earn a piece of the pie?

2018-07-10 17:57:11 UTC

but I don't think the US needs to go about headhunting

2018-07-10 17:57:18 UTC

I think we need more pies.

2018-07-10 17:57:25 UTC

there are always more pies

2018-07-10 17:57:29 UTC

its not a zero sum game

2018-07-10 17:58:01 UTC

just because someone becomes successful doesnt mean someone else has to become unsuccessful

2018-07-10 17:58:03 UTC

It's a zero sum game packed within a non-zero sum game

2018-07-10 17:58:20 UTC

The US Economy is, largely, zero sum.

2018-07-10 17:58:41 UTC

The World Economy is... mostly not?

2018-07-10 18:00:26 UTC

existing economys that rely on renewible resources extraction rates are zerosum, if you find a new source of resources and have the ability to harvest it on your own dollor for a profit thats when its more than zero sum

2018-07-10 18:01:35 UTC

Sure, but I can't remember a time when it's been zero sum in the modern age

2018-07-10 18:01:39 UTC

Well, what I'm getting at is, if we've got no borders, if we just let anyone in - a deal that will likely only be one way

2018-07-10 18:01:45 UTC

there's always been a new scientifc discovery

2018-07-10 18:01:45 UTC

but you have to have a truly bombing potental for that or a dying population for immigration to be helpful to that

2018-07-10 18:01:48 UTC

or a new business, etc

2018-07-10 18:02:02 UTC

america is actually becoming more zero sum as time goes on

2018-07-10 18:02:05 UTC

It essentially lets other nations raid our resources and send them home.

2018-07-10 18:02:08 UTC

no borders means you aren't a country

2018-07-10 18:02:19 UTC

Basically, yes.

2018-07-10 18:02:27 UTC

But it's what's being legitimately argued for

2018-07-10 18:02:31 UTC

I know

2018-07-10 18:02:33 UTC

because more things are being owned, less things are being found in america

2018-07-10 18:02:34 UTC

and I think it's wrong

2018-07-10 18:02:49 UTC

I think anyone here thinks it's wrong.

2018-07-10 18:02:59 UTC

when more is owned and less is found you find a plataeu in your economy

2018-07-10 18:03:02 UTC

yeah but the debate isn't people here

2018-07-10 18:03:13 UTC

the debate is, how can anyone think, in their right mind, that it's a sane idea

2018-07-10 18:03:36 UTC

As I outlined, it's redistribution of wealth.

2018-07-10 18:05:16 UTC

Basically, I propose that the socialists who are pushing for an elimination of borders view the United States as a whole as the bourgeoisie class

2018-07-10 18:05:43 UTC

well 34K/year is the 1% worldwide

2018-07-10 18:05:54 UTC


2018-07-10 18:06:17 UTC

And equality can't be achieved while a 1% group exists unchecked.

2018-07-10 18:06:39 UTC

It's absolutely mental, but these ARE commies we're talking about...

2018-07-10 18:06:52 UTC

i don't think socialist really realize how poor the world is.

2018-07-10 18:07:06 UTC

I think that's fair, as well.

2018-07-10 18:07:33 UTC

if they did, they would realize that not even all the wealth of the US could raise the world even .1% higher on the economic ladder

2018-07-10 18:08:20 UTC

it would mean that those same socialist would need to become mountains poorer than the poorest person in the US, as dictated by their ideology.

2018-07-10 18:08:24 UTC

along with everyone else

2018-07-10 18:08:44 UTC

It's as if they imagine a nation as an inflatable pool, and the economy as the water in that pool. If they remove the 'borders' of the pool, the water should fill up the space around it, right?

2018-07-10 18:08:51 UTC

no borders + socialism = everyone made worse off, or no change.

2018-07-10 18:10:02 UTC

Except it all gets lost in the grass.

2018-07-10 18:12:25 UTC

the problem with socialism is that it is designed to block economic progress.

2018-07-10 18:12:40 UTC

because being well off is viewed as a problem

2018-07-10 18:12:50 UTC

unless everyone is as well off as you

2018-07-10 18:16:23 UTC

unchecked captalistic hierarchies are a bad thing

2018-07-10 18:16:36 UTC

unchecked socialism is a bad thing

2018-07-10 18:16:41 UTC

the answer is somewhere in the middle

2018-07-10 18:17:21 UTC

Circular hierarchies are best hierarchies.

2018-07-11 03:39:43 UTC

Granade problem with socialism is that ita against human nature

2018-07-11 03:40:06 UTC

It would only work in truly altruistic society

2018-07-11 03:46:49 UTC

I think it works just fine in a extremely small populations too.

2018-07-11 03:47:00 UTC

Basically anything under say 200 people.

2018-07-11 03:48:05 UTC


2018-07-11 03:48:09 UTC

It can

2018-07-11 03:48:26 UTC

Yeah it can still go horribly wrong too.

2018-07-11 03:48:33 UTC

It also works in certain internet communities

2018-07-11 03:48:52 UTC

I'm just saying the only way it can work is small communities.

2018-07-11 03:48:56 UTC

For example early subtitle maker community was pretty socialist

2018-07-11 03:49:19 UTC

Hacker spaces are pretty socialist too.

2018-07-11 03:50:02 UTC

Its because those ppl have another then material motivation that it works

2018-07-11 03:50:31 UTC

other than material motivation?

2018-07-11 03:52:25 UTC

I dont think lack of monetary motivation makes something socialist. Value judgements extend beyond fiat currency

2018-07-11 03:52:44 UTC

The subtitle community had a government that took control of the means of production?

2018-07-11 03:53:25 UTC

even if we use Marx's endpoint as our metric for socialism

2018-07-11 03:53:47 UTC

which is to say, even if we're attempting to be the most charitable, and setting the goalpost closest to the situation being described

2018-07-11 03:57:24 UTC

I was referencing the mentality of from each according to their ability to each according to their need. In hacker spaces it's a social contract that you help those who don't know.

2018-07-11 03:57:39 UTC

And that the help be freely exchanged.

2018-07-11 03:57:50 UTC

That's just called being a nice person and working together

2018-07-11 03:58:19 UTC

You're being pedantic again.

2018-07-11 03:58:22 UTC

Socialism and communism are whole political, economic, and philosophical ideologies

2018-07-11 03:58:27 UTC

That is not pedantry

2018-07-11 03:58:57 UTC

They do not have a monopoly on community

2018-07-11 03:59:13 UTC

These systems are very clearly defined

2018-07-11 03:59:19 UTC

Yes they are, and parts of them can be adapt, and don't have to be taken in their entirety.

2018-07-11 03:59:44 UTC

And most of those parts existed before the systems were created

2018-07-11 03:59:55 UTC

No one said they did, no one said that Marx was the first one to think up this shit either.

2018-07-11 04:00:09 UTC

It just doesn't make sense though.

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