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2018-11-22 19:52:09 UTC

Because Scheer is going to do a lot of the same shit as Trudeau

2018-11-22 19:53:02 UTC

I might be convincing my lefty sisters to vote for PPC, fwiw
They don't want NDP and admit Trudeau sucks. A Scheer alternative is perfect

2018-11-22 19:53:41 UTC

This could be good for the PPC really. They got a lot of media attention when they formed, but idk if it will be enough

2018-11-22 21:09:50 UTC

I can't help but think of communism when I hear the People's Party

2018-11-22 21:10:13 UTC

Yeah it's weird branding

2018-11-22 21:10:27 UTC

C'est la vie

2018-11-22 21:10:28 UTC

I get its populism and all but still

2018-11-22 21:37:19 UTC

Makes me think of the Reform Party

2018-11-22 23:54:04 UTC

National liberalism aka civic nationalism

2018-11-23 00:19:26 UTC

Just watched Tim's vid on hillary... is it just me or is this a "Let them eat Cake" moment?

2018-11-23 02:33:23 UTC

africa does not exist

2018-11-23 07:03:01 UTC

The weird thing is I agree with Hilary seeing Europe need's to get it's act together.......on the other hand she was a high profile Senator in the 00's and her and Bush Jr were in a position to slam the open borders crowd down and also never let the white nationalism crowd bubble up if they had passed some fair centrist common sense immigration reform. Like her delivering that message to europe is like Chris Christie telling people eat your veges ie a bad messenger even if the message might be reasonable

2018-11-23 07:16:52 UTC

Actually that's not the issue at all

2018-11-23 07:17:12 UTC

I told people about this and they called it fake news

2018-11-23 07:17:27 UTC

Hillary supporters literally denying it

2018-11-23 14:03:31 UTC

She just wet her finger, stuck it up in the air, and gauged which way the wind was blowing. She has no guiding beliefs or convictions other than her divine right to power.

2018-11-23 14:49:42 UTC

Clinton: lets stop populism by adopting populist policies!

2018-11-23 15:06:26 UTC

I don't think she cares about stopping populism so much as she cares about having an avenue to power. She doesn't think the populists have a point, or that the right thing to do is to address the concerns of the people. She just thinks that populists are between her and power so they need to be defeated.

2018-11-23 15:35:48 UTC

I agree on your assessment of her motivations. However I believe my previous statement still reflects her public position.

2018-11-23 15:42:01 UTC

At least the true monarchies had divinely granted responsibilities along with their rights. Clinton has only entitlement, no duties she recognizes.

2018-11-23 16:06:55 UTC

I think it is telling that she's testing this by speaking about Europe's problem while in Europe. It permits plausible deniability if it were to blow up. "Oh, of *course* I wasn't referring to the US situation. Why would you ever think that!"

2018-11-23 16:21:02 UTC

Every time Clinton's "position" on an issue comes up, I think of Hitchens, and Superpredators, and her stance on Same-Sex Marriage

2018-11-23 18:00:04 UTC

Clinton supported the wall
before she opposed it

2018-11-23 18:00:54 UTC

at the end of the day, the Clintons are driven by maximizing the power of their dynasty
they've thrown everyone and everything under the bus in the process

including the Democratic party

2018-11-23 18:03:58 UTC

if you are willing to throw principles and party to the wolves in your blind pursuit of power,
why not democracy itself, eh?

2018-11-23 18:05:38 UTC

Well, I will agree with you now. But in the late 1980's Bill Clinton was a major player in the "third way" movement within the Democratic Party after some real humdinger losses in 1984 and 1988. I think back then there were real convictions. Now, not so much.

2018-11-23 18:06:27 UTC

> I think people are beginning to understand that Trump does not represent American values.
> He doesnโ€™t even really represent the values of most people who voted for him.
> And so, I think people donโ€™t actually really consider Trump a legitimate president.
> *He was obviously elected and all this business*, but he does not represent American values.

2018-11-23 18:07:22 UTC

an "obviously elected" President
is not legitimate
because he does not represent the values of the Clinton machine

2018-11-23 18:07:30 UTC

Having been in my 20's in the 1990's and very aware of events, Bill Clinton really was a bit of a counter-revolutionary in a Democratic Party that had been in the thrall of their left side since Carter's loss in 1980.

2018-11-23 18:07:54 UTC

---> you couldn't make this stuff up - it's like Amazon deleting Orwell's 1984 from everyone's Kindle

2018-11-23 18:08:04 UTC

^When you marinated for such a long time in self-righteousness, that you actually convinced yourself you are the living embodiment of american values.

2018-11-23 18:08:13 UTC


2018-11-23 18:08:59 UTC

"elected *and all this business*"
^ note the dismissive tone

2018-11-23 18:09:44 UTC

him, in a near future

2018-11-23 18:10:19 UTC

the European Union is a shitshow

2018-11-23 18:10:33 UTC

Verhofstadt is correct tho

2018-11-23 18:10:49 UTC

the only thing standing in his way for his totalitarian utopia to function

2018-11-23 18:11:03 UTC

I recognized that 20 years ago, or more,
when a fish monger selling fish in London
measured in pounds and ounces
was made a criminal for that heinous act

2018-11-23 18:11:08 UTC

is all these pesky countries refusing to transfer all their power to him

2018-11-23 18:11:18 UTC


2018-11-23 18:11:32 UTC

Grosser Deutchland would be complete after the transfer

2018-11-23 18:11:52 UTC

Just like before

2018-11-23 18:11:57 UTC

i only see this end in conflict

2018-11-23 18:12:02 UTC

the question is not if

2018-11-23 18:12:11 UTC

the question is when and what kind of conflict

2018-11-23 18:12:23 UTC

it could end in disinterest

2018-11-23 18:12:48 UTC

if the EU fails to deliver
and member states make their own arrangements with foreign powers
it could simply decline

2018-11-23 18:13:12 UTC

the EU ministers are a joke, and could be made the subject of ridicule

2018-11-23 18:13:28 UTC

If the EU fails to enforce itself on its "member-states"

2018-11-23 18:13:44 UTC

it can dissolve into something pointless

2018-11-23 18:13:57 UTC

but if it manages to get force behind its policies

2018-11-23 18:14:09 UTC

thats where i think you gonna see a real conflict happening

2018-11-23 18:14:47 UTC

the whole EU is a joke at this point, a really bad authoritarian joke for that matter

2018-11-23 18:16:02 UTC

Heil, Europa!

2018-11-23 18:17:48 UTC

What Germany was unable to accomplish in war, it finally appears to accomplish in peace.

2018-11-23 18:17:57 UTC

Pax Germanum

2018-11-23 18:20:55 UTC

Hillary is quite correct on refugees and migration
that really will drive people across europe to vote out the mainstream politicians who support it

2018-11-23 18:21:31 UTC

it is actually quite interesting, because HRC bears considerable personal responsibility for the refugee crisis in europe now

2018-11-23 18:21:46 UTC

Libya was the buffer, and everyone knew that - including HRC

2018-11-23 18:22:18 UTC

so now she's acknowledging what a mess it is,
and that the mess represents an existential threat to the globalist agenda

2018-11-23 18:26:21 UTC

A small article regarding Verhofstadt and the EU in general

2018-11-23 18:34:18 UTC

How was Libya the buffer?

2018-11-23 18:41:35 UTC

> Gaddafi once proudly served as protector to his country's maritime border, promising that, for a sizable compensation from Europe, makeshift loads of human cargo would not suddenly arrive in search of refuge on Italian shores.

2018-11-23 18:41:39 UTC

HRC killed him

2018-11-23 18:42:38 UTC

Europe bears responsibility for Libya. France especially. We just helped Europe do dumb shit.

2018-11-23 18:52:09 UTC

Not merely helped. Enabled. They would not have been able to oust Gaddafi without the US. They ran out of fucking bombs before the US got involved, and didn't have the necessary aerial refueling capability to maintain a strike tempo.

2018-11-23 18:53:17 UTC

But it was France who wanted it so bad.

2018-11-23 18:57:04 UTC

At the time of Gaddafi's death France had 14 tanker aircraft. The US had roughly 450.

2018-11-23 18:57:32 UTC

The US was completely indispensable to the war effort.

2018-11-23 18:57:45 UTC

Shifting the blame onto the Euros is bullshit.

2018-11-23 19:00:16 UTC

As per usual, America was critical to any war effort it was involved in.

2018-11-23 19:03:40 UTC

If France had not been so damn eager, there would have been no Libya intervention

2018-11-23 19:04:06 UTC

If Hillary Clinton had not been so damn eager, there would have been no Libya intervention.

2018-11-23 19:07:12 UTC

If France, but not America, no Libyan intervention. If France and America, Libyan intervention. If America, but not France, Libyan intervention.

2018-11-23 19:07:17 UTC

I fail to see how this is France's fault.

2018-11-23 19:08:56 UTC

You couldn't have written that worse if you tried

2018-11-23 19:09:26 UTC

Could so.

2018-11-23 19:13:37 UTC

The US was not going to perform the intervention. The President was clear on that. No new ground misadventures.

2018-11-23 19:14:50 UTC

Just a lotta drones apparently

2018-11-23 19:18:32 UTC

Drones don't have mothers to call when they die, and sweethearts to appear in the paper in their grief

2018-11-23 19:19:52 UTC

if no Facebook, Libya would not have fallen

2018-11-23 19:20:05 UTC

if no Twitter, Libya would not have fallen

2018-11-23 19:20:17 UTC

... we can do this all day

2018-11-23 19:21:29 UTC

They tend to kill people who do though

2018-11-23 19:21:48 UTC

*including, in at least one case, an American citizen*

2018-11-23 19:27:28 UTC

Libya was as stupid as Iraq. I'm not going to state otherwise. That said, France was the actor in this case. Would I have preferred the US to have acted like they did in 1956 and told the French and Brits NO like Ike did, oh yes. But it was still France who insisted on doing it. We were just being good allies for people who had been good allies to us in Afghanistan.

2018-11-23 19:29:10 UTC

Horseshit. France did fuck all in Afghanistan. On a man-to-man basis Canada did more. And we don't owe them a 'Topple One Country Free' card for doing what they were fucking supposed to do under NATO.

2018-11-23 19:29:47 UTC

You don't have a leg to stand on with Libya and you really ought to stop defending such a complete and utter debacle just because it was done under Obama's watch.

2018-11-23 19:30:39 UTC

Because one evil cunt wanted to shore up her foreign policy cred prior to a presidential campaign we tore a country to shreds and we might even lose a fucking continent due to the fallout.

2018-11-23 19:30:44 UTC

I'm not defending it. I'm just pointing out the circumstances of it. Iraq was dumb. Libya was dumb.

2018-11-23 19:30:59 UTC

Iraq was a family grudge

2018-11-23 19:31:21 UTC

I'm not defending Iraq. I'm not even defending Afghanistan and I fought there.

2018-11-23 19:31:59 UTC

So we are in agreement. The US government is imperfect and does dumb things.

2018-11-23 19:32:12 UTC

Right, then we can all agree that Libya was an international disaster that ruined millions of lives and those who acted to make it happen should be condemned and vilified for their acts.

2018-11-23 19:32:25 UTC

No we are not in agreement. You think it was France's fault and that we were being 'good allies' by helping them. That's complete horseshit.

2018-11-23 19:32:34 UTC

Obama's legacy is soaked in the blood and tears of the innocent.

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