Message from @TruthCanary
Discord ID: 471730076547940352
Well good bye Europe and good bye USA
Probably a propaganda assignment for gender studies project? Or just earning his shekels.. Who knows really.
Twitter is purging the fuck out of their site recently. Stay safe.
Check out @lunchout2’s Tweet:
Ditsem! @Malcolm the Seceder, you just advanced to level 8!
Check out @FansSouthern’s Tweet:
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) Is that the video you've been working on constantly these past few days? 🤔😜
lekke brits. kap hom flou.
@Conscious Caracal muh election meddling russian pee girls.
hehe probably fake, eh?
Check out @PrisonPlanet’s Tweet:
I feel really bad for them to be honest, they have no idea what uncultured lawlessness they are inviting in... Just look at that, already disobeying the rules of the road, already littering, already indecent exposure, no respect for personal space...