
Discord ID: 400645888508428288

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2018-07-17 15:56:52 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

2018-07-17 15:57:34 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

fok hiers baie mense

2018-07-17 15:57:38 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

oops sorry

2018-07-17 16:02:11 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

so what's going to happen with secession attempt by the khoisan?

2018-07-17 16:02:55 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

ya will probably be arrested for treasson or something

2018-07-17 16:03:00 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  


2018-07-17 16:07:11 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

but surely they must have a plan....

2018-07-17 16:07:22 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

since government has 5 days to get out :D

2018-07-17 16:07:45 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

or maybe there's too muc hwine

2018-07-17 16:17:41 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

give me a link that proves your intelligence - internet 2018

2018-07-17 16:21:25 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

hierdie discord is die begin van 'n revolusie

2018-07-17 16:21:37 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

ag fanx chappie

2018-07-17 16:24:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

aangenaam Emiel.

2018-07-17 16:25:47 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

nah all his speeches are the same

2018-07-17 16:25:56 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

why i call him oblabla

2018-07-17 16:26:39 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

i did like the like/dislike ratio on that live stream

2018-07-17 16:29:12 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  


2018-07-17 16:36:20 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

kon nog nooit verstaan hoekom discord channels se notifications "opt out" is nie. veronderstel om "opt in" te wees. fokken hipsters.

2018-07-18 10:12:45 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Daai SABC live stream van Oblabla/Mandela se like/dislike ratio staan nou al op 26K/101K

2018-07-18 12:10:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  


2018-07-19 11:15:50 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

I hate how we're associated with Israel sometimes... Our situation is NOTHING like theirs.

2018-07-19 11:23:24 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Well yes, but I mean the otherway around is how we're compared...

2018-07-19 11:24:17 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

The ANC are piggy backing their agenda on the plight of Palestine

2018-07-19 11:27:01 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Yes, and this is why I am sick of these "stop plaasmoorde", stop this stop that banners. Nobody will stop anything. We have to to stop it ourselves.

2018-07-19 11:27:56 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

I mean it's good for raising awareness but how long wil lit continue.. I don't know..

2018-07-19 11:39:38 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

hey wat van 'n paar ekstra vlag-emojis? mens kan dit mos doen? custom emojis... 🙃

2018-07-19 12:58:15 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

it would do this discord good to FLATout ban any flat earther flat heads. It's always a string of spam and BS defacing every thread on the internet like cancer.

2018-07-19 14:29:37 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #local-news]  

was kind of scary ya.

2018-07-19 14:29:43 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #local-news]  

"o hierdie gaan bad wees"

2018-07-19 14:30:30 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #local-news]  


2018-07-19 14:30:35 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #local-news]  

it's not so bad though

2018-07-19 14:30:42 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #local-news]  

guy filming was quite calm

2018-07-19 14:34:46 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

"Mandela wasn't aware of the gravity of whiteness" 🤢

2018-07-19 14:44:23 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #twitter]  

"White people did not know anything when they came here on their boats, we civilized white people"

2018-07-19 15:21:57 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #twitter]  

Can we get liberals their own planet, please? I've a feeling the world would be great again if we could do that.

2018-07-19 15:27:25 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #twitter]  

sad... these days you gotta avoid kids like the plague because of this.

2018-07-19 15:34:43 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

I don't trust Ronaldo at all. He's doing it for the clicks. Will probably succeed as a politician.

2018-07-19 15:54:33 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

Forget about it! :D

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

--Sun Tzu

That pic just made me thought of this for some reason.

2018-07-19 16:05:32 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #info-wars]  

"Argument" lol

2018-07-19 16:08:26 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #info-wars]  

If you had an argument why are you spamming it here? Publish your thesis and research on the subject in a science forum where it can be discussed. Pro tip: memes are not an argument.

2018-07-19 16:18:45 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

mag mens voice channels join sonder 'n mic? net vir luister..

2018-07-19 16:34:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

hulle se dalk niks?

2018-07-19 16:34:37 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

of gemute ek weti

2018-07-19 16:34:44 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

was nog nie daar nie

2018-07-19 16:35:29 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #afrikaans]  

ek hoor hulle

2018-07-19 16:51:58 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

WRT Voice tpoic:
Gun Owners SA also trying to get some movement funded to appeal this gun law.

2018-07-19 16:52:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Maybe there should be a comments/questions channel for voice sessions? idk..

2018-07-19 16:52:45 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

for those just listening in

2018-07-19 16:56:57 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #twitter]  

"GOSA @GUNOWNERSSA is making good progress with its legal fund. Not quite there yet so if you can spare anything to donate to this worthy cause"

2018-07-20 15:19:51 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

should have named it cape of good dope

2018-07-20 15:20:06 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

sovereign state of good dope*

2018-07-20 15:21:31 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

i'm in

2018-07-20 15:21:42 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

i bring my ketty

Eks 'n Boer.

(shilling myself)

@Sheamus pretty sure png ain't vector :)

ya, makes it more scalable because it's lossless.

2018-07-23 16:20:01 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Kind of sick of Zille's spamming of "sock puppets" and "bots". She sounds like Hillary Clinton.

2018-07-23 16:35:58 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

yeah it's really annoying all these invisible boogeymen undermining democracies and swaying votes of entire nations...

2018-07-23 16:36:42 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

@TruthCanary Yes, they're almost worse than Breitbart

2018-07-23 16:36:47 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

or Snopes

2018-07-23 19:51:46 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #twitter]  

off with their heads!

2018-07-23 20:40:12 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  


2018-07-23 22:26:39 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

@Guss he posted link in <#468417556642791434>

2018-07-24 09:57:14 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

Maybe he's got some inside info that it was the jooz who wrote Mein Kampf...

2018-07-24 10:13:33 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

I should not watch vids of these lefties... I get bad thoughts.

2018-07-24 10:57:17 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

Anyone know who made this? I want to change 3 things and make poster out of it.. (coz i'm a bit of a maiden fan)


2018-07-24 11:02:26 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

ye.. i may have a bit of trouble with the flag.. but i'l lgive it a go.

2018-07-24 11:03:31 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  


2018-07-24 11:28:38 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

ya improves fuel economy... :/

2018-07-24 11:50:52 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

i wasn't there but i think someone could have helped.

2018-07-24 11:59:34 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

yes kind of makes the eye twitch... all these spelling errors on memes :D

2018-07-24 12:06:53 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  


2018-07-24 12:06:56 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  


2018-07-24 15:21:19 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

So winter has just begun, then...

2018-07-24 15:22:08 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

Multiculti, feminazism

2018-07-24 16:24:16 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  

@Friday dude. thanks!

2018-07-24 18:04:08 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

who's cocking their gun on the voice chat? :D

2018-07-24 20:27:25 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Because of Youtube censorship (wrt voice topic)

2018-07-24 20:52:30 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]  


ek het al gedink tech analysis kan basies enigiets wees solank jy net consistent bly in you methods en risk manage.

danie, waat gaan aan? ek hoor mense dump nou alt coins vir btc oor die nuwe etf storie?

wonder of ons 'n massive rally gaan sien weer...

oops i should probably speak english here...

2018-07-25 12:09:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

so are they making any valid points? (will watch tonight)

2018-07-25 12:09:52 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

so far all i see in the comments are the usual yeliing of "[xxxxxxxx] far right"

2018-07-25 12:15:47 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

ye well i didn't know he had a torso or legs before i saw the ausie tour with lauren southern.

2018-07-25 13:47:59 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #history]  


1,211 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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