Message from @cµrvy
Discord ID: 471254528147193860
I sleep comfortably. Do you dream about me?
Keep the meme's coming... I suppose it's better than your usual sideline sitting without actually turning your words into action (Y)
You're just salty because you have to come to Right-Wing message boards for memes. I wander if your fanbase is as skilled in memetics. Probably not
Rene put the book there before we started recording and I didn't even notice it was there lol
jou aandag was erens anders... blameer jou nie.
Talking about Soros @TruthCanary
Haha true
Julius, the early years...
@Shiver Cringe millennial globeshitters. why leave the country if the 'diversity' is so great?<:hmm:468405359523135488>
I thought I would share the cringe 😃
Can't carry the burden on my own
This video is a meme farm...
@Willem Petzer Rene het 'n Nazi agenda...
WE WUZ KINGZ Despacito
@Willem Petzer, check out @Graeme the Guerrilla 's MEME sklillz...
You have not lived in SA until your Christmas gift your mom bought so you can peddle to school was stolen
Ditsem! @Graeme the Guerrilla, you just advanced to level 1!
Teach me Senpai
Anyone know who made this? I want to change 3 things and make poster out of it.. (coz i'm a bit of a maiden fan)
Just find a Maiden pic and Photoshop
ye.. i may have a bit of trouble with the flag.. but i'l lgive it a go.
Poor Stompie...are those firestones she burns?
ya improves fuel economy... :/
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) If I can be a grammar justice warrior here, it should be "It's safe in Orania" not "Its safe in Orania" note the apostrophe.
yes kind of makes the eye twitch... all these spelling errors on memes :D
@Daniel van Straaten the poster is @Graeme the Guerrilla
grammar nazi away