Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 471762326249406475
Damn, can anyone confirm this?
Pretty serious if true.
@HoppeanSnake_ZA Where u get that flag emoji? Can you put it on twitter do you know? Or one of the Union flag? :)
@Malcolm the Seceder Im not on twitter 😦 The Vierkleur is usable on the discord.
Oh yeah it's in the emojis here
Thanks @HoppeanSnake_ZA your the best
Oh did you just add it?
oranje blanje blou ook asb :P
Ah shit...
Hi almal 😃
Baie bly om uiteindelik hier te wees
Welkom @AfrikanerKnight
I rule!
Don't spoil it for me @Conscious Caracal
So daai mense het op n abandoned weermag basis in die huis ingetrek? Die vlêrmuise is net dik bek oor hulle nie eerste die gap gesien het nie. My hart bloei vir daai arme familie.
This was a Social Science test GR 9 and the correct answers. Does anyone see what I see?
well the first problem is that they are teaching 'social' science at all
Go check **Willem Petzer Live Chat**'s leaderboard here <:WINK6:403540173566115840>
@Conscious Caracal overachiever 😋
Totsiens, **GradientWizzard#0180**