Message from @JUAB
Discord ID: 481551222541910016
Jis ouens, ek wil net sê daai 'This is your president' video van @Rendier druk die cringe criticals so bietjie in die rooi in
@Guss Why are you Anti-Jub?
Skyking = absolute legend
Dusty's new name JohanvR
Jonas Nilsson is n yster
What sensorship is this?
So black twitter went after the vacation dude
@Daniel van Straaten my first account is still save. And it is also free jub
@Dusty hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Will i get banned?
@Daniebees ja nee die man het homself geniet op sy vakansie,dit is maar al wat hy wou se
i want that weather
"clear skies" ;)
Can u take a closer picture
Definisie van 'n SJW: "If you fight for human rights and not for animal rights you are being a speciest"
Ditsem! @Pieter_🇿🇦, you just advanced to level 1!
Must i piss dusty off?
Make a twitter
For the army
@JUAB Yes.
Aangename kennis @TheTower, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Fuck that im staying here
This server actually has a pair...
@WuldGoGayForLauren ons vati kaki
Hi. Is this Willem Peltzers political site this?
Not political most of the time
Ignore the jub memes