Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 398185500449439755
Jason's is good, too.
I've used Jason before. I liked it also.
No homo
Jason’s is good, can confirm
The Chad meal prep step one.
really good website to learn info about supplements
@Fox whole turkey is probably cheaper than frozen ground turkey isn’t it?
Get the whole turkey. It's not as processed, and the organ meats are high in nutrients.
@Deleted User I would assume so, yes.
Are there any good ways to make beef liver?
Depends on if you like beef liver...
If you hate it then chop it up real small and add it to something like meatballs, chili, spaghetti sauce or something like that with a bunch of ground beef.
If you do like it then just sear it hard in a cast iron or on the grill and don’t cook it over medium.
Cook it with onions too, very 👌🏻
I’ve been buying Vegan protein powder from Costco over the past few months because it just looks healthier. Can you make any gains from it though or does it just give you an adequate amount of protein to be moderately in-shape?
It's a good source of bioavailable protein. I used it for a year and never noticed a difference between that and whey other than texture, taste, etc
@BigBadSaxon#3903 Thanks man, that’s what I figured. My client sells nutritional supplements online and said that there was some chemical in the whey which provides toning for you muscles that’s not in Vega.
Stop. Drinking. Whey.
I don't like that article. If we should only eat what our Paleolithic ancestors ate then we shouldn't be eating or drinking 90% of what people eat nowadays. No coffee, no avocado, no potatoes, no rice, no tuna, no pineapple, no coconut, etc... it's basically just an anti-dairy article, and at the end they even say that the most interesting point imo (gut bacteria) hasn't had any proven effects positive *or* negative
I have spent many years cycling as transportation to and from work. I would sometimes cycle 30 min to get to work, I would work 12 hours, and then I would cycle the whole hour to get home. I would do this several days per week. The only reason why this was possible is because I was consuming recovery drinks within the 30 minute time frame. Without recovery drinks, I never could have maintained the energy level necessary to accomplish this.
You can make a case that perhaps whey is not the best protein for this, but recovery drinks, particularly grass-fed whey mixed with rice milk, massively reduced my recovery time.
There are many things that are "natural" that aren't necessarily good. Snake venom is "natural". So is dog shit. We are conscious beings, and we can add things to our diet and adapt over generations. It's called "evolution". Evolution is about as natural as it gets.
If you can’t process dairy, you aren’t white. Additionally, if we are going to have a civilization we will have cheese production and will need a use for whey.
To be fair it is much better to get your nutrients from actual food.
But no, I think anyone who thinks correct supplementation is somehow bad for you is autistic and likely a soy goy
Give us this day our daily macronutrients
Sounds like no one read the article
I believe whey protein powder increases your risk of testicular cancer
Bad for your hormones
Try using protein powder that doesn't contain massive quantities of dairy
Rate my supps
Huge sale at Sprouts today