Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 483097237086273566
Maybe Rand Paul
Rand was the only choice before I jumped aboard the Trump train.
I'm not sure who I would have voted for if Trump hadn't ran. If I did vote in the election at all, it would have been to "vote against" Hillary
I liked Cruz before Trump entered the picture
idk I had been so dissillusioned with politics since the Republican party squashed Rick Santorum and Ron Paul in 2012 that my only political position was to troll the libs
John McCain was as anti-White and anti-American as the most far left radical Democrat. He was the epitome of a neocon and a warmonger.
i'm sure many people voted against Hillary, not "for" Trump....but I'll take it.
And i really liked Rick Santorum but I knew he had zero chance of winning
Just remember: thousands of people voted for a dead gorilla and Paris Hilton, so you weren't alone... @ThisIsChris 😆
@Asatru Artist - MD True, a lukewarm vote counts as much as an enthusiastic vote
I basically gas lighted and bombarded my roommate with every negative thing I could find about Hilldawg. He didn't vote Trump, but he did vote write in. A plus was enough of what I said got to his gf and she voted for Jill Stein instead of Hilary
Yeah ill keep my thoughts to myself re McCain
@Ben Rainsford - OH Nice man
That counts a lot in a state like OH
@Ben Rainsford - OH I'm surprised our friendship survived it tbh. It just goes to show how constant exposure can impact someone's choices. I had him trapped in a room with me all sophomore year. Makes it easier to understand why more white people aren't awakened on certain things, given what they've been told their entire lives
A young fellow worked with me briefly this past January. He found out I voted for Trump, and was like, "What?!? I voted for Hillary. It would've been so awesome...first woman President! AMAZING! THE I voted for her."
I just said to him, "That's the worst reason to vote for anyone, for any office, no matter what they're running for or what you think about their opponent. 'First _anything_.' Would you vote for "The FIRST Down's Syndrome Presidential Candidate?"
May as well be saying: I don't care if they'd be good for the job. I just want to be hip with my vote.
You make a great case for democracy, @Phillip Wiglesworth - FL
I would have voted for the Downs Syndrome candidate over Hillary.
The worst they would do is be super nice to everyone, and chew on crayons in the Oval Office, possibly staining the carpets.
Well, that's simply because a Downs Syndrome _would_ be better at the job than Hillary. So, then you wouldn't be voting on the single premise of "First Down's Syndrome"
Yeah, it would totally be because I think they would have been better.
I'd vote for Caligula's dead horse over Hillary Clinton. At least he was a proper Senator.
After Bush, I'm not sure they would have been first anyways. 😃
While I strongly disagree with John McCain on many issues, I wish his family condolences during their time of loss.
I like mcain
Always getting those natural consecutives
Real go-getter
Well I guess he would have survived his presidency if he had started in 2008.
Fantastic foreign policy
But I dunno. Presidency ages people.
The real question is why was someone with brain cancer allowed to be in the senate
Talk about disqualifying
Throwing mud on people who have passed on is a zero-sum game
@Distracted Logan Paul is jewish.
It's just a religion anyway
That makes a lot of sense.
That picture is funny