Message from @Gimlet
Discord ID: 487067399317880832
π π π
Congrats @Matthias, well deserved
Very based stuff
Very grateful
"We're gonna be bringing in millions of dollars a year."
-Patrick Casey, in response to seeing the SPLC's d'nations streams
The V is awesome!
V for Vendetta
Leaked: IE to become Rocky Movntain Evropa
V for victory
"Our new name shall be, "Bleach Brigade"'
Identity Vankee
We wuz yanks
We should consider what the outside sympathizer thinks on this issue a bit deeper, though things could be much worse.
Identity Columbia
Identity Evropa has great brand recognition, anyone into politics outside of the mainstream has at least heard of us.
1d3n717y 3uv0pa!
How about: "The Only Identity Worth Having"?
Idenity chads
American Identity
Identity Americana
Lol @ dutchmann
@FlyingDutchmann you need to take me flying so we can get cloud shots
"New Murican Huwhite"
Well maybe, but for those following it, we are very associated with RS and Cville. @Roland
Identity White Folks
I do think red, white, and blue is better than teal... plz no bully
Identity Wakanda
Huwhite Identity
Red white & teal
New glory
Oh Come on, "MANIFEST IDENTITY" is a great name
plz gib upπ ±oats π¦