Message from @micbwilli
Discord ID: 491046488223383552
Guess who fracture their elbow today? 😀
How was the weekend my dudes?
My weekend was good. Went home and visited the family. My dad sent me back with a cooler full of steaks, so basically I'm going to eat like a T rex for the next week
How'd you do that? @micbwilli
I smashed down on a rock on Labor Day and it's been hurting since. Got it xrayed today. Turns out it was just a bad bruse.
@micbwilli Bro, you need a better story than that....... 😉
I meant to say "didn't fracture my elbow."
I went to a Constitution Day celebration, did some fliering and pwned noobs
I was drunk on a rope swing for Labor Day... 😔
Your new story:
There I was, surrounded by assailants.... One left hook, KO... one Head Kick, another KO..... Then the final attacker, I finished off with a flying elbow!
What's the coolest injury you've ever had?
Mine was playing king of the hill on a lexan board being dragged by a 4 wheeler when I was 14.
Broke my pinky while sparring. Now my pinky is crooked, and the knuckle is double the size it should be. 😉
I worked at a mental hospital and I interrupted a self-hanging attempt, the inconsolable lad scratched my eye as I brought him down. Was in a patch for a week. luckily no infections.
I cut my thumb down the middle on a rotory meat slicer. Don't try to do tomatoes on them.
My brother and I were sword fighting with broken pipes and he sliced my hand open
A bowling ball stuck on my middle finger and broke the bone sideways. I should go bowling again soon.
Joking around with a buddy in the bathroom in school. Slipped and hit my head on a toilet, blacked out for a second, didn’t feel anything. Had blood coming down my face like a horror movie and I casually walked down to the nurses office
Bowling is very white
Good date too
It ruined my back tho cause it's a very asymmetrical exercise. I play pool now.
Oh, I forgot the time I sliced my hand on an ice auger
saw the blood hit the snow/ice before I felt it.
I've cut my fingers a few times with my big knives if that counts
ohh, I once had a pencil stuck in my temple before. that's uh, cool right? 😅
The government also plans to raise the retirement age to 70.
jeez Japan
*resist urge to Hapa-post*
Seriously, how selfish and pathetic do you really have to be...?
Quick! Send them refugees!
I really feel sorry for the Japanese. After WWII their culture became neutered.
Gotta get those Nip lads after their own women!
Honorary Aryans rise up!
*cue Mishima-posting*
Okay soo
Haha jk
Meet Japan's globalist foreign minister, Taro Kono.