Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 491047296591724544
How'd you do that? @micbwilli
I smashed down on a rock on Labor Day and it's been hurting since. Got it xrayed today. Turns out it was just a bad bruse.
@micbwilli Bro, you need a better story than that....... 😉
I meant to say "didn't fracture my elbow."
I went to a Constitution Day celebration, did some fliering and pwned noobs
I was drunk on a rope swing for Labor Day... 😔
Your new story:
There I was, surrounded by assailants.... One left hook, KO... one Head Kick, another KO..... Then the final attacker, I finished off with a flying elbow!
What's the coolest injury you've ever had?
Mine was playing king of the hill on a lexan board being dragged by a 4 wheeler when I was 14.
Broke my pinky while sparring. Now my pinky is crooked, and the knuckle is double the size it should be. 😉
I worked at a mental hospital and I interrupted a self-hanging attempt, the inconsolable lad scratched my eye as I brought him down. Was in a patch for a week. luckily no infections.
I cut my thumb down the middle on a rotory meat slicer. Don't try to do tomatoes on them.
My brother and I were sword fighting with broken pipes and he sliced my hand open
A bowling ball stuck on my middle finger and broke the bone sideways. I should go bowling again soon.
Joking around with a buddy in the bathroom in school. Slipped and hit my head on a toilet, blacked out for a second, didn’t feel anything. Had blood coming down my face like a horror movie and I casually walked down to the nurses office
Bowling is very white
Good date too
I worked at a bowling center for 2 years. Used to be good. I bowled a 280 once.
It ruined my back tho cause it's a very asymmetrical exercise. I play pool now.
saw the blood hit the snow/ice before I felt it.
I've cut my fingers a few times with my big knives if that counts
ohh, I once had a pencil stuck in my temple before. that's uh, cool right? 😅
The government also plans to raise the retirement age to 70.
jeez Japan
*resist urge to Hapa-post*
Seriously, how selfish and pathetic do you really have to be...?
Quick! Send them refugees!
I really feel sorry for the Japanese. After WWII their culture became neutered.
Gotta get those Nip lads after their own women!
Honorary Aryans rise up!
*cue Mishima-posting*
Okay soo
Haha jk
Meet Japan's globalist foreign minister, Taro Kono.
Yikes. Well Viets aren't great, but better than Pakis or Nigerians
Man this world just keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it?
I have a guy in my office that is Japanese-American he always goes on about how clean and nice it is and that everyone has health care. I got him to admit yesterday that it was due to homogeneous population and that culture is downstream of biology. I was honestly scared to stay it, but felt I needed to speak up.