Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 491048454332612608
My brother and I were sword fighting with broken pipes and he sliced my hand open
A bowling ball stuck on my middle finger and broke the bone sideways. I should go bowling again soon.
Joking around with a buddy in the bathroom in school. Slipped and hit my head on a toilet, blacked out for a second, didn’t feel anything. Had blood coming down my face like a horror movie and I casually walked down to the nurses office
Bowling is very white
Good date too
I worked at a bowling center for 2 years. Used to be good. I bowled a 280 once.
It ruined my back tho cause it's a very asymmetrical exercise. I play pool now.
Oh, I forgot the time I sliced my hand on an ice auger
saw the blood hit the snow/ice before I felt it.
I've cut my fingers a few times with my big knives if that counts
ohh, I once had a pencil stuck in my temple before. that's uh, cool right? 😅
The government also plans to raise the retirement age to 70.
jeez Japan
*resist urge to Hapa-post*
Seriously, how selfish and pathetic do you really have to be...?
Quick! Send them refugees!
I really feel sorry for the Japanese. After WWII their culture became neutered.
Gotta get those Nip lads after their own women!
*cue Mishima-posting*
Okay soo
Haha jk
Meet Japan's globalist foreign minister, Taro Kono.
Yikes. Well Viets aren't great, but better than Pakis or Nigerians
Man this world just keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it?
I have a guy in my office that is Japanese-American he always goes on about how clean and nice it is and that everyone has health care. I got him to admit yesterday that it was due to homogeneous population and that culture is downstream of biology. I was honestly scared to stay it, but felt I needed to speak up.
Japan is hopelessly overpopulated, they absolutely need this "thinning".
@Tyler0317 I agree, but the Japanese government is obsessed with economic growth.
I toured Japan in 2010, they have many forests and farms, but yes the cities are crowded. If every urban Japanese family had double the current apartment space they would be much happier I think.
@Tyler0317 I thinning is no good if it's not equal across the age classes. They are thinning on future workers.
More robots, more marriage. No immigrants
Necessity will drive innovation.@micbwilli
they'll be fine
The 65-69 age group was the biggest in 2016. 2rd biggest 40-44 and 3rd biggest 45-49.
Same guy made a stink about how blacks commit more crime due to poverty and said most people didn't understand the statistics. He didn't get the outcome is maintain when you stratified the groups by economic status, but I wasn't gonna touch that one at the time.
I feel for the Japs, honestly. WW2 was their last ditch effort to acquire space for their population.
That empire gone, they have no choice but massive overcrowding, and a slavish work ethic.
@Tyler0317 They need to start making jar babies. They are smart and can figure it out.
The death pyramid.