Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 501213484755714048
I'm sure he's mentioned it
Probably. How bad of an impression would it be if I asked him lmao
@NateDahl76 considerably bad
I've met him. He has a sense of humor.
He's a pretty easy guy to talk to. Not overly serious or anything.
Jared Taylor signed my 23 and me
He thought it was hysterical
Honestly can’t think of a single person in these circles who dislikes JT
He wasn’t the only one...
@NateDahl76 in IE we all respect him. There are those WN spergs that are mad he is not obsessed with the JQ
@Reinhard Wolff true, I had quite the dream team sign it
Bike pump stolen while I was out eating...scummy people around here.
Not to be spergy about it, genuinely curious, does Jared Taylor, in private, have any different ideas on the JQ or is he always "They look huwhite to me:
Patrick Casey signing the treaty finally declaring Italians as White *(Circa 2018, colourised)*
He gets it. But is not obsessed with it. If JT had been that spergy, many of us would still be Republicans.
Jews are also rapidly having offspring with white people. The non orthodox ones are going extinct in the US
@The Eternal Anglo that's literally what it was
A great victory
@NateDahl76 the problem with them interbreeding with Whites is that the identity is so strong. For example Racheal Maddow and Rosseane Barr
Jewish women race mix a **LOT** If I remember correctly. It's an insanely high number
@NateDahl76 You sure about that? Every hassidic family pumps out 4+ kids from what I've seen
Its very true but its almost always with a white guy ^
Hassidic = orthodox
@The Eternal Anglo No, they don't if you account for their population size
The current intermarriage rate for reformist jews in the US is only about 40%
And on top of that they have a low birthrate
Yeah my experience says exactly what @NateDahl76 is saying
my HS was at least 40% jewish and almost all the girls married white guys Plus the Israelis freak out over race mixing they seem to be very concerned with it
its soooo bad lol. I love it.
OMG hahah This dude looks like PC Principal
Smaug, The russkie hunter?
Stunning and brave
Imagine enforcing globalist control of information, voluntarily, pro bono. 😂
Seems like he hasn't learned to be multicultural! where's his adopted 26 year old child refugee?
*once his wife’s boyfriend’s kids are tucked in bed