Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 501219905253802005
A great victory
@NateDahl76 the problem with them interbreeding with Whites is that the identity is so strong. For example Racheal Maddow and Rosseane Barr
Jewish women race mix a **LOT** If I remember correctly. It's an insanely high number
@NateDahl76 You sure about that? Every hassidic family pumps out 4+ kids from what I've seen
Its very true but its almost always with a white guy ^
Hassidic = orthodox
@The Eternal Anglo No, they don't if you account for their population size
The current intermarriage rate for reformist jews in the US is only about 40%
And on top of that they have a low birthrate
Yeah my experience says exactly what @NateDahl76 is saying
my HS was at least 40% jewish and almost all the girls married white guys Plus the Israelis freak out over race mixing they seem to be very concerned with it
its soooo bad lol. I love it.
OMG hahah This dude looks like PC Principal
Smaug, The russkie hunter?
Stunning and brave
Imagine enforcing globalist control of information, voluntarily, pro bono. 😂
*once his wife’s boyfriend’s kids are tucked in bed
For a second it looked like that dude has a black sun tatted on his forearm
Has no life
Never found any
We treat Russia like we should be treating Israel, and vice versa. <:sad:366743316475281408>
Watch that cuck get doxxed by 4chan and be proven to be some kind of degenerate perv.
>mini board games
Yeah Im sure he's not an autist
“Honey, please come to bed. It’s date night and the kids are asleep.”
“_Shhhhhhh, I’m hunting Russian trolls!_”
They call us Bots, but they are NPCs and thus, A.I.
Projection, as ever!
Imagine the divorce papers: “Irreconcilable differences. He’s obsessed with Russian trolls and has no time for our marriage any longer.”
Interesting how they try and portray him as some Chad who owns a gun, is buff, and believes all of the things catladies do. "He is a good boi"
CNN also writes how "he had been consuming altright media for years. AKA boomerbart
His masters hate him. No amount of groveling or leal service is EVER enough.
*Russell isn't worried. Such threats usually come through a private message, and he has a ready reply: "I usually snap a photo of my gun."*
So he sends them nudes?
Has nude guns without any cool attachments. lamee
That is a super old piece, recycled.
I remember this from like fall 2017
There's just that many brave souls risking themselves on the front lines of exposing the deceit
Best Lauren back from her post-JF therapy.
How much do you wanna bet those threats literally never happen