Message from @fgtveassassin
Discord ID: 502112937821995010
also, Bane NPC Wojak (bottom left) is gracing the pages of the NYT
@unclefesterr Yeehaw!
I'm sure we a gonna get an upsurge of new members thanks to our fearless leader so I would like to volunteer to start interviewing @Reinhard Wolff
@Krypto- OH message @Alerio
@Grossly Incandescent thanks
Is there a full version of the interview somewhere?
this meme was made by
IE interview GANG
Fantastic, thanks!
From Patrick’s TS interview:
*”In other words, white immigrants. Chilling words for the millions who’ve come to America to find a better life.”*
This is why I say **journalism is not a profession, it is a tactic.**
Why? Because they make no mention of that standard of European immigrants only being the practice until 1965. They give no perspective from the other side - how about continuing non-white immigration being a chilling prospective for the millions of white Americans? We’ve been here for centuries, there is no America without us.
No, they want you to empathize with others and their interests before yourself and your people and our our interests.
Which, if you cannot be empathetic towards your own people and their interests BEFORE the interests of others - then you don’t have any empathy, at all. You’re a fake person with fake empathy and fake beliefs.
An example of good press engagement imo.
Great work @Reinhard Wolff
Those apoplectic replies are hilarious.
NPCs irl
I agree, excellent presentation of "identityarians" @Reinhard Wolff
"Isn't diversity our strength though???" <:really:453005408064241674>
New spelling
So are using identityarian to liken us to nazis or something?
Or maybe they think we adhere to Arian Christianity ✝
Up to 19k views on twitter
@Virgil if that were so it would be Identitaryan
Implying an NPC would know the difference between aryanism or arianism
not even a modicum of research.
From Rawstory
Too lazy to even hit up the slanderous Wikipedia article.
Oooosh my Twitter mentions blowing up from @Reinhard Wolff’s today show article
splinter group?
tbh, letting them believe that Patrick is the founder isn’t the worst outcome
let them be favorably misinformed
I actually really enjoyed reading the article from nbc news
Expected very gay takes, but it wasn’t even that bad
@Asatru Artist - MD trinitarians BTFO!!!
Patrick did such a great job in that interview.
Richard who?
Ahh just some drunk in an expensive suit who is gonna hit on journalists.