Message from @Logan

Discord ID: 509702043313635348

2018-11-07 09:28:39 UTC  

Could be worse

2018-11-07 09:28:40 UTC  

You know the Muslim Somali woman that won is in a district so small that it basically consists of the little town all the Somalis live in, which is why she had over 80% of the vote lol

2018-11-07 09:30:05 UTC  

Things like that are why I’m not really phased by the “America rejects trumpism!!!” stuff. Because uh, no, these people didn’t get elected because of a rejection of Trump’s rhetoric, they got elected because of demographic shift, and it’s not surprising at all.

2018-11-07 09:32:41 UTC  

Oof tho

2018-11-07 09:34:55 UTC  

All of my election staffers were Bantu as well.

2018-11-07 11:20:53 UTC  

Good morning IE and to the official start of the presidential race

2018-11-07 11:41:06 UTC  

@ophiuchus Abortion is a spear sharpened at both ends. It is not worth the white lives lost by it. The next Donald Trump or other great man might not exist due to abortion. One great white man can undo the problems caused by millions of non-whites.

2018-11-07 11:46:37 UTC  

<:whitepill:439924104406106113>: Almost 30,000 views for the AF/FTN stream last night.

2018-11-07 11:48:00 UTC  

I was switching between that and JF all night

2018-11-07 11:53:43 UTC  

How was JF?

2018-11-07 11:54:38 UTC  

Abrams acting like a 3rd worlder, saying they will get a redo.

2018-11-07 11:58:07 UTC  

Striker, Spencer and Collet were 👌🏻👌🏻

2018-11-07 11:59:48 UTC  

Can’t deny, last night was a night for the revolutionary wing. The American nationalist wing took a massive blow. Perhaps fatal

2018-11-07 12:06:16 UTC  

Black pills from Illinois

2018-11-07 12:08:17 UTC  

Get ready for lots of John Kasich interviews today

2018-11-07 12:11:17 UTC  

@fire.within - FL what do you mean?

Because Kobach lost?

45 cuckservatives retired because they couldn't hack it in Trump's world. That's why we had so many seats up in the first place.

2018-11-07 12:12:27 UTC  

They’re going to trot Kasich out there so he can say, “See, gee-golly. Voters don’t like this kind of rhetoric...”

2018-11-07 12:13:42 UTC  

Those 45 GOP congressmen retiring was part of the plan all along

2018-11-07 12:13:56 UTC  

@fire.within - FL I mean about the American Nationalists suffering a rebuke. I don't see it that way at all.

2018-11-07 12:14:43 UTC  

It would have been a lot easier for them to hold their seats as incumbents. GOP would have held the House had they ran for re-election, probably

2018-11-07 12:18:32 UTC  

@Logan Where do you see Trump’s presidency going from here?

2018-11-07 12:19:49 UTC  

Why are you so bummed? lol

House can’t do anything without Senate backing and approval...and GOP gained seats there.

2018-11-07 12:20:59 UTC’s now easier for Trump to get appointments thru. And harder for Dems to pass any of their favorite agendas

2018-11-07 12:22:02 UTC  

They can propose stuff all day long til blue in the face in the House.

2018-11-07 12:23:50 UTC  

@fire.within - FL the 14th amendment stands exactly where it did last week.

The president can end birthright citizenship by EO and Congress can't draft a bill to stop him.

We effectively haven't had the house for the past two years because there were so many cucks. Same in Senate. Now Senate has 54 nationalists, not 48 (Flake, McCain)

2018-11-07 12:25:32 UTC  

If we keep pouring our energy, enthusiasm, and precious little time into national politics, we’re doomed

2018-11-07 12:26:34 UTC  

Is that something Spencer told you

2018-11-07 12:26:44 UTC  

Please stop with the doom and gloom, brother.

2018-11-07 12:26:56 UTC  

respect to the Florida GOP for consistently pulling these 1% margin victories in a doomed state

2018-11-07 12:26:59 UTC  

Idk how they do it

2018-11-07 12:27:32 UTC  

They'll have to do it again in 2020 with 1.4 million felons added to the register

2018-11-07 12:27:50 UTC  

but nobody would dare oppose senator skeletor

2018-11-07 12:28:06 UTC  

Everyone get in your personal bunkers, national politics is canceled

2018-11-07 12:28:35 UTC  

Based Lindsay Graham 2024

2018-11-07 12:28:56 UTC

2018-11-07 12:37:04 UTC  

@Patrick we make it happen against The odds. We got a lot of white people here that are poor and that mean not voting blue

2018-11-07 12:38:13 UTC  

I have a good description for the huwhite race in America:
America has a helpful subspecies called the "huWhite Man". Mysteriously, this endangered subspecies of bipedal ape seems to exhibit an almost pathological level of altruism towards outgroups. (and in rare cases, other species) This level of pathological altruism is so extreme that they will even generously gift resources to hostile tribes. (despite many of these hostile tribes clearly vocalizing their aggressive intentions)

2018-11-07 12:39:45 UTC  

An ecologist organization: Identity Evropa has been founded in order to change this and perhaps save this once extremely common and very helpful member of the human species.

2018-11-07 12:40:23 UTC  

Promoting positive human biodiversity is a goal that we can all get behind.