Message from @Selma
Discord ID: 512016662502047759
Good luck and don't mention IE.
@Papa Pizzagate I won't.
We've had some pretty bad luck with a run of "content creators" in the past
I am struggling with the oppression of blegs.
Now that guys voice is stuck in my head
Just tried looking for the channel, can’t find it
He was unplugged
I should make a Hajinal Line server for the lulz
What was it?
White sharia content?
oh my, no.
Like how the slavs and meds have a server.
The dude just yelled into a camera about weird stuff, was very repetitive @Nerv - VA
No I mean the white women thing?
Oh yeah.
No not really. It was actually a cogent point, just delivered very poorly and in a way that seemed unhinged.
Ah okay, didn’t watch much of it
How is Hajnal membership good
Haven’t heard about the Hajinal line before this. Interesting stuff
@ophiuchus I thought it was just "azur"
tell me what you think
West of this line, the average age of marriage for women was 23 or more,[3] men 26, spouses were relatively close in age,[4] a substantial number of women married for the first time in their thirties and forties, and 10% to 20% of adults never married.[5][6][7] East of the line, the mean age of both sexes at marriage was earlier, spousal age disparity was greater and marriage more nearly universal. Subsequent research has amply confirmed Hajnal's continental divide, and what has come to be known as the 'Western European marriage pattern', although historical demographers have also noted that there are significant variations within the region; to the west of the line, about half of all women aged 15 to 50 years of age were married while the other half were widows or spinsters; to the east of the line, about seventy percent of women in that age bracket were married while the other thirty percent were widows or nuns.
The out-Hajnal pattern just sounds better
well post the picture m8
@Ald what is this map denoting?
I get triggered when people say we fought WW2 to stop racism.
Israel is murdering children again
West and outside the blue line denotes the high nuptiality Western half of the Hajnal line
@Nerv - VA Not entirely wrong
I'm gonna have to side with the Muslims on this one m8s
These guys are actually sick. What we want with non whites doesn't even compare.
israel doing whatever it takes to defend its nation is a characteristic that I admire and wish that White Americans had
@Nerv - VA @Ald our racial scientists denounced their racial scientists as wrong, but we had segregation they weren’t entirely concerned with racial laws