Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 512034029663551521
I'm not sure. Nilotes and East Africans are also identifiable by a less significant curve in their femur, which is interesting. A measureable racial difference used by forensic scientists
I learned that in a class, will look for a source
I thought I knew what subcons were earlier but know I’m doubting myself....
I assume in this context it means Indian subcontinental peoples
Yeah Southern Indians, who also tend to be black
Looked it up and subcon is a species of animal in super Mario lol
Forensic anthropology is pretty awesome for proving racial differences to those who would otherwise deny them
I saw that too, Vince. Pretty cute enemy.
India has both a caste based and north-south divide in terms of skin tone and other features, likely due to Aryan admixture being more common in the north, and made dominant in the upper class by the Hindu caste system.
Also, a linguistic divide too. The north speaks Indo-European languages derived from Sanskrit while the south speaks Dravidian languages. It's amazing a country that diverse can hold together.
now that the elections are over, i expected to see the constant "nazi" articles fade.
why is the media acting like there's an impending doom? JRE currently has some dude on talking about how important genetics are.
@Goose "why is the media acting like there's an impending doom?" I think they just like writing them
@Nemets @ThisIsChris Simple. There is an impending doom. If we win, their entire livelihoods are at risk.
no one likes loosing a war
Part of the media acting so erratically is that is gets clicks which sells adds. These people are struggling to survive.
I don't think there is an impending doom for them that we represent. At least I hope "doom" isn't what comes to mind when they think of us, if so we might be doing something wrong.
Which gets more views, "neo-nazis are holding rallies across America" or "some white guys like teal and dislike immigration"
@Selma does he intend to have a white gf/wife and only have white children?
He has a bad right optic
hes blind in one eye and can't have babies because his liberal parents got him fixed 16 years ago.
He can pay dues and be quiet.
thanks freiheit.
One yelp about chocolate labs in public and he's gone.
@Goose Probably because the Chinese and Japanese foreign students' parents are sick of their kids coming home and preaching all that diversity indoctrination they received here in college
They probably also aren't too happy about sending their daughters off to college and having a son come back home.
Im confused on why police departments do this.
What laws does hanging "Paper signs" break?
Isn't the Police blotter just the radio anyone can tune into?
They'll report something about that even if someone just made a call