Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 512036452641538058
Teal is real!
@Selma does he intend to have a white gf/wife and only have white children?
He has a bad right optic
hes blind in one eye and can't have babies because his liberal parents got him fixed 16 years ago.
He can pay dues and be quiet.
thanks freiheit.
One yelp about chocolate labs in public and he's gone.
@Goose Probably because the Chinese and Japanese foreign students' parents are sick of their kids coming home and preaching all that diversity indoctrination they received here in college
They probably also aren't too happy about sending their daughters off to college and having a son come back home.
Im confused on why police departments do this.
What laws does hanging "Paper signs" break?
They'll report something about that even if someone just made a call
Correct @ThisIsChris
"Checking out some posters someone said are encouraging people to attack minorities"
"ok found 'em, it's just those Identity Evropa guys again"
They keep making a big deal about our posters and flyers.
Ah ok Chris
That makes more sense.
Yes. If someone reports it, a police record must be made and that report is a part of public record. That's the "police blotter"
It's not the police making a big deal about them, it's someone hearing the posters being checked out on the radio. Then they spin together an article that says "these posters were investigated by police. You know what was on the posters? 'Identity Evropa'. You know what the SPLC says about Identity Evropa? Let me tell you"
very little to do with the police themselves
I worked as a police dispatcher many years ago and we always made sure to ask people who were reporting really mundane things, "Would you like to make an official report on this and have an officer contact you?" Their answer, yes or no, determined whether or not it went on the blotter.
The "officer contact you" bit usually deterred people from wanting to make an official report. But sooooooooooooooooome got those people who just wanted attention and needed to report every damn dog barking
IE flyers are the new "I hear a loud dog barking at 11pm" 9-1-1 call.
The police said they launched an investigation in the past but noting came of it.
This has happened to me numerous times before... Over the last 3 years before i was even involved in IE.
And noting has ever come about because of posters.
True story: we had a fraternity whose pet rooster got loose one night, and it was wreaking havoc and mayhem for several city blocks, running all over the damn place attacking people walking their dogs, jogging, etc. We got 9-1-1 calls for hours. We literally had like 6 officers chasing this damn thing for an hour and a half until they finally gave up...they couldn't find it. So, the Sergeant on duty had one of the rookie officers put out a BOLO (Be on the Look Out) warning over the required by department procedures. Of course, he had to describe this damn rooster over the police radio...ya was complete hilarity.
We laughed about that for days and days
frickin' Rooster BOLO
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL LOL. I had a neighbor who had one of his chickens stolen so he put up "LOST CHICKEN" signs with a photo and I always wondered if the photo was of that particular chicken or not.