Message from @Zilna Jestov
Discord ID: 513567480296243229
great music all
I was super into Pantera, I still listen to Down and Crowbar
Children of Bodom
All the other stuff faded (Lamb of God, Slayer)
Bound for Glory
This was early 00's, so searching the internet for new and obscure bands didn't exist yet
2018: what's you favorite music? *Racist podcasts..*
I listened to Pantera and August Burns Red back then.
ABR is great. Meridian is one of my favorite songs
Constellations is good, I’ve listened to it quite a bit lately.
*We've summoned him*
abr has some classics
Mongolian throat singing is real music
As I get older I listen to songs according to my mood rather than music to change my mood--big difference
@Reinhard Wolff Name of a band?
@Zilna Jestov Nah, it's an album title from the band August Burns Red
It's the album that has the song I mentioned above
My favorite used to be Composure. It was from the album Messengers.
nah m8, who are they? post fav song
This will not be our future:
Is "Killing Joke" a reference to the Batman comic?
-wait, no
(1985 band)
Metal is definitely the biggest red pill genre. At least to me.
Classical is the biggest red pill genre.
you can tell a lot about a man by what music he would walk out into the Octagon to
@Zilna Jestov Definitely a close second. It has the biggest connection to our ancestry.
The person who shouted Hail (he who must not be named) Hail Trump at a play turns out to be a drunk anti-Trump patron
@Axel Can anybody make music like that anymore? That is a depressing question.
No race has ever even matched what white people did with music
@Zilna Jestov They were geniuses, especially considering the time period they were in.
Listen to Beethoven or your not white
Some Good Morning America lady is asking to use the footage--I hope they do
Bocephus will be given a place on the high council of Ultima Liberia
@Flint wow.