Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 513570016755580941
@Zilna Jestov Nah, it's an album title from the band August Burns Red
It's the album that has the song I mentioned above
My favorite used to be Composure. It was from the album Messengers.
Killing Joke anyone?
nah m8, who are they? post fav song
This will not be our future:
Is "Killing Joke" a reference to the Batman comic?
-wait, no
(1985 band)
Metal is definitely the biggest red pill genre. At least to me.
Classical is the biggest red pill genre.
you can tell a lot about a man by what music he would walk out into the Octagon to
@Zilna Jestov Definitely a close second. It has the biggest connection to our ancestry.
The person who shouted Hail (he who must not be named) Hail Trump at a play turns out to be a drunk anti-Trump patron
@Axel Can anybody make music like that anymore? That is a depressing question.
No race has ever even matched what white people did with music
@Zilna Jestov They were geniuses, especially considering the time period they were in.
Listen to Beethoven or your not white
Some Good Morning America lady is asking to use the footage--I hope they do
Bocephus will be given a place on the high council of Ultima Liberia
@Flint wow.
@Flint Always.
they caught a few people being slightly overzealous calling the cops on people grilling or something (nothing to lose your job over tho) most of them after that have been hoaxes
there was a lady who called the non emergency parking service on someone parked incorrectly and she got plastered all over social media
(had to edit that out, I wish we more free to share cool stories that end up on the news)
These minority groups still constantly cry racism, yet if anything, they're the protected class. I sometimes wonder if they realize that, and they're just playing the game so they can take advantage of us, or they really believe they're oppressed
They know.
This is a great video essay on it:
From the perspective of a teacher.
A while back they thought it was true, now they're onto it
Kind of blows their cover when Joe Biden comes out and says "White people will be an absolute minority by 20-(whatever) " in a very positive way
@Alexander Pechorin Dude, some guy copy pasta'd that onto craigslist years ago (was looking for a car, saw a "local news" tab, didn't realize that existed, clicked) and I read the whole thing
It was about 2012-13. It was what fully red pilled me on black people
No joke
It’s absolutely incredible.
“Dey half breed”
Yeah. I grew up in SoCal away from blacks, was race woke on Latinos but didn't fully accept how awful black people were (bc muh slavery)
I had the same experience. There are few blacks in SoCal