Message from @Flint

Discord ID: 513565677404291073

2018-11-18 03:50:41 UTC  

Most people that listen to that don't even consider the lyrics they're listening to.

2018-11-18 03:50:52 UTC  

There’s Christian rap but it’s a lot of blacks

2018-11-18 03:51:26 UTC  

And most of the music videos consist of black men smoking themselves to death and groping white women

2018-11-18 03:52:10 UTC  

(Since I posted Lutheran Metal here is Catholic themed metal. Lost of pagan metal out there. Probably most of it)

2018-11-18 03:53:53 UTC  

If you're looking for ourguy music selections check out Byron and Paddy

2018-11-18 03:54:50 UTC Italian rap about the degradation and violence of Italian society

2018-11-18 03:55:06 UTC  
2018-11-18 03:55:36 UTC  

Fashy goy music, can't go wrong there

2018-11-18 03:56:38 UTC  

@TV Wow, how didn't I hear if this before? Thanks man

2018-11-18 03:57:09 UTC  

Love the hair in the vid @Wood-Ape - OK/MN

2018-11-18 03:57:27 UTC  

No joke both of those guys are really good. Both got doxed hard so don't expect anything new

2018-11-18 03:57:49 UTC  

Damn, sad to hear

2018-11-18 03:58:19 UTC  
2018-11-18 03:59:51 UTC  

It's sad that they had something really good going and the fell off the face of the earth for over a year because they got doxed.

2018-11-18 04:01:14 UTC  

Do we know who doxxed them?

2018-11-18 04:03:22 UTC  

@Axel True, they don't take the lyrics to heart, but it still ingrains itself. I used to be the same way about punk as a teen, then all of a sudden I was a know-nothing complaining about 'the system'

2018-11-18 04:03:50 UTC  

Luckily puberty gave me some T and I switched over to metal

2018-11-18 04:04:09 UTC  

Definitely on the right track @Flint Have any favorite bands?

2018-11-18 04:05:24 UTC  

great music all

2018-11-18 04:06:33 UTC  

I was super into Pantera, I still listen to Down and Crowbar

2018-11-18 04:06:39 UTC  

Children of Bodom

2018-11-18 04:07:07 UTC  

All the other stuff faded (Lamb of God, Slayer)

2018-11-18 04:07:35 UTC  

Bound for Glory

2018-11-18 04:08:07 UTC  

This was early 00's, so searching the internet for new and obscure bands didn't exist yet

2018-11-18 04:08:51 UTC  

2018: what's you favorite music? *Racist podcasts..*

2018-11-18 04:08:54 UTC  

I listened to Pantera and August Burns Red back then.

2018-11-18 04:09:15 UTC  

ABR is great. Meridian is one of my favorite songs

2018-11-18 04:10:00 UTC  


2018-11-18 04:10:08 UTC  

Constellations is good, I’ve listened to it quite a bit lately.

2018-11-18 04:10:22 UTC  

*We've summoned him*

2018-11-18 04:10:59 UTC  

abr has some classics

2018-11-18 04:11:05 UTC  

Mongolian throat singing is real music

2018-11-18 04:11:12 UTC  


2018-11-18 04:11:16 UTC  

As I get older I listen to songs according to my mood rather than music to change my mood--big difference

2018-11-18 04:11:23 UTC  

@Reinhard Wolff Name of a band?

2018-11-18 04:11:49 UTC  

@Zilna Jestov Nah, it's an album title from the band August Burns Red

2018-11-18 04:12:05 UTC  

It's the album that has the song I mentioned above

2018-11-18 04:12:57 UTC  

My favorite used to be Composure. It was from the album Messengers.

2018-11-18 04:13:48 UTC  

Killing Joke anyone?

2018-11-18 04:14:09 UTC  

nah m8, who are they? post fav song