Message from @Bjorn - MD

Discord ID: 516692648346517504

2018-11-26 19:01:33 UTC  

@Jacob Traps?

2018-11-26 19:01:37 UTC  

Oh, bologna.

2018-11-26 19:01:41 UTC  

I might have some HLEB

2018-11-26 19:01:51 UTC

2018-11-26 19:01:51 UTC  

God bless Ohio.

2018-11-26 19:01:54 UTC  

Apparently it was a girl? I wonder how she feels about everyone wondering? I guess she shouldn't have worn a trashy trap-tier wig and costume.

2018-11-26 19:02:04 UTC  

@Jacob It's "KHLYEP."

2018-11-26 19:02:38 UTC  

Broad shouldered woman is best though for strong sons.

2018-11-26 19:02:54 UTC  

(Final consonants are de-voiced in Russian 🤓 ☝)

2018-11-26 19:04:12 UTC  

no you have to misspell it and mispronounce it

2018-11-26 19:05:35 UTC  

people who try to act cultured never actually know the language

2018-11-26 19:07:39 UTC  

"Why you no say, "ХЛЕБ?!"

2018-11-26 19:09:48 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I'm half-curious to hear you elaborate on your position, lol.

2018-11-26 19:10:14 UTC  

Meme magic is real

2018-11-26 19:10:32 UTC  

in case the baby comes out the other side @Bjorn - MD

2018-11-26 19:10:38 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD which one? I drop bizarre takes thrice a day

2018-11-26 19:10:49 UTC  

it's just like having wide hips

2018-11-26 19:11:09 UTC  

@Jacob I was wondering if things were... Wait for it... HEADING IN THAT DIRECTION 😂

2018-11-26 19:11:27 UTC  

Whut oh!

2018-11-26 19:11:50 UTC  

Oh broad shoulders? Just positive eugenics. You want to keep/improve good qualities

2018-11-26 19:12:07 UTC  

@bspon002 Tfw you're capable of sympathizing with orcs.

2018-11-26 19:12:18 UTC  

still talking about sausages? or did i miss that boat?

2018-11-26 19:13:04 UTC  

Now there is a downside maybe you have a broad shouldered daughter, but if your wife is also smarter than average and not hideous in the face your daughter will do okay. Even appeal to a son in law with patrician tastes similar to your own.

2018-11-26 19:14:21 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD it's not a shit post fam

2018-11-26 19:14:40 UTC  

Someone actually is embracing the don't be racist let them in meme 😂

2018-11-26 19:15:23 UTC  

"Daily Gondor" is/was a lit FBook page

2018-11-26 19:16:09 UTC  


2018-11-26 19:16:31 UTC  

boss battle

2018-11-26 19:16:37 UTC  

had to happen

2018-11-26 19:16:38 UTC  


2018-11-26 19:17:28 UTC  

I was waiting for the *"Several people are typing..,*" bahahaha.

2018-11-26 19:23:48 UTC

2018-11-26 19:24:46 UTC  

Get her off tiktok and into a marriage having hwite babbies

2018-11-26 19:26:14 UTC  

I guess they never miss huh

2018-11-26 19:27:51 UTC  

anyone have a livefeed of the border?

2018-11-26 19:42:40 UTC  

"Where high school jocks facing the sad reality that their glory days are behind them and gameless geek weirdos mad at the women of the world for not giving them pussy or respect can ban together and flash their gang sign (the letter L formed with the thumb and pointer finger of the left hand raised to their foreheads) and pretend they are some Badass Alpha male master race" -lefty post

chads and gamers UNITE!

2018-11-26 19:49:49 UTC  

Hello all. It's a spectacular day to be a white American.

2018-11-26 19:50:12 UTC  

So the most physical and most cerebral agree? Who is left behind? Mediocrity

2018-11-26 19:54:26 UTC

2018-11-26 19:55:32 UTC  

@Ald who hurt you, sweetie?

2018-11-26 19:56:30 UTC  


Let's remember that those Facebook farm games are technically also games