Message from @VinceChaos
Discord ID: 532061449137160203
Whoever has the most JT autographs by the end of the year wins something
"Congratulations: you have wun, one moar sig-nuh-toor."
LOPF will be like disney world anyway
Maybe a dinner with Jared Taylor? Haha
Mr. Taylor cooks
My dinner with ~~andre~~ Jared
Well what I really just want is for some people to give their definition of the Jewish Question
@OttoVonBismarck i was gonna but it was so long winded
"Tuhnyte, we will be enjoying a fhine roast duck, and potato leek asparagus soup, with a green tea iced creem."
“Fhine” perfect
at its most simple, the JQ is a question of course which is simply "what is the role of jewish people in gentile society and what should it be"
Why is that? @OttoVonBismarck
We clearly are not all on the same page.
Exactly @Freiheit - CA
Fine by me
I'm pretty sure the only IE stance on the JQ is that they are not white, so they cannot be in our organization. That's it.
White pill.
@Nico The Great - CA Ashkenazim could be argued as white genetically
I believe IE members also recognize the outsized influence that Jewish intellectuals have played in subversive and anti-White roles.
@Distracted mixed race then
@VinceChaos <:usinnoodle:420778112226164736>
@Distracted I won't necessarily argue with that. I'm not as into the "JQ" as others are. As a Christian, I'm strongly opposed to them, but I honestly try not to hate anyone tbh
I just don't think they should be running our gov, media, etc lol
@Distracted they’re Persians who mixed with Arabs who mixed with khazars which were people who mixed with Asians. These boys ain’t European by their genetic group. Their only claim is that many of them sexually assaulted European women and have their dna bleached in a sense.
I’m woke on the Ashkenazi phenotype don’t @ me
Where’d nemets at
@Nemets genetics autism requested
Holy crap. Molyneux re-tweeted Paul Kersey a couple days ago 😎:
I don’t pretend to be well versed on the JQ but the only thing I tell people is that being Jewish is not just a religion. There is a reason why 23&me and Ancestry indicate Jewish on their piecharts. They don’t put catholic, or Protestant or Lutheran but they put Jewish so... being Jewish is more than just a religion .. there’s a genetic make up associated with being a Jew.
@Nico The Great - CA From a Christian perspective, GOD already had His way with them after the Siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. That was the end of the age, the fulfillment or eschatological prophecy. They're just another ethnicity now
@Distracted Agreed. Not only that, but when Rome was sacked, all records of Jewish geneology were destroyed. Given that Old Testament Judaism's priesthood was based on genealogy, they have never had a "valid" priesthood since. It's all made up. Which is why the New Testament warns the world about "Those who say they are Jews but are not Jews"
Yes it is true that a lot of European Jews look very European... I knew blond haired blue eyed Jews growing up ... but then again we - in IE - know that race is more than just simply skin color
Bro if were going on Jews from a theology aspect on your dude
@OttoVonBismarck You should answer @Matthias
They’re being assimilated pretty quickly.
Can I share a mark collet video in here or will I get banned?
@Jawa Feel free to voice your thoughts, always glad to learn something new
Jews have never been successfully assimilated without retaining their in group preference in the course of recorded human history. Every attempt has failed.