Message from @Dylan - NY

Discord ID: 534881578070048768

2019-01-15 23:31:21 UTC  

Sorry @Logan

2019-01-15 23:31:24 UTC

2019-01-15 23:31:37 UTC  

@NateDahl76 no problemo amigo

2019-01-15 23:31:43 UTC  

Then in about a year I went from center left to far right, it was a ride and a half

2019-01-15 23:31:55 UTC  

Once you notice certain things you can't ignore them

2019-01-15 23:32:43 UTC  

Side project: reclaim Spanish and "hispanic" for the descendants of the historic Celtiberians and Visigoths.

2019-01-15 23:34:09 UTC  

Conversos not invited.

2019-01-15 23:35:12 UTC  

I took my anger for Congress out at the gym

2019-01-15 23:35:18 UTC  

Had a really productive workout

2019-01-15 23:35:26 UTC  

Well currently am*

2019-01-15 23:40:39 UTC  

@Dylan - NY I'm a former leftie!

2019-01-15 23:41:28 UTC  

Hey friend! What finally caused you to switch?

2019-01-15 23:41:35 UTC  

if indeed it was one final thing

2019-01-15 23:41:42 UTC  

a few things

2019-01-15 23:42:09 UTC  

being told over and over how I have to apologize for white privilege, when I've had a hard life

2019-01-15 23:42:12 UTC  

trump winning

2019-01-15 23:42:33 UTC  

the left name-calling people and saying their ideas were wrong, so I decided to just watch their stuff and judge for myself

2019-01-15 23:43:07 UTC  

but if it was one moment, it was seeing Jared Taylor in a round table on immigration, and thinking who is that well-spoken, intelligent man? and I saw he was a "white nationalist" when I looked him up, and debated with myself about whether to watch him but decided to go ahead

2019-01-15 23:47:48 UTC  

@apronandlace that's a pretty good story of getting off the fence.

Didn't you want to do a podcast about that @Virgil ?

2019-01-15 23:47:58 UTC  

taylor is based yep

2019-01-15 23:48:25 UTC  

in terms of video content and speaking hes basically unmatched imo

2019-01-15 23:52:05 UTC  

Yeah, Taylor got me to consider things I wouldn't have gone for (it took me a while to accept IQ differences and freedom of association) because his content is so high-quality (lots of facts, intelligence, respect for anyone he's debating or being interviewed by)

2019-01-15 23:53:26 UTC  

What do you think is the best way to get through to the other half of whites?

2019-01-15 23:54:59 UTC  

Do we talk affirmative action and white privlidge or go an economic route on outsourcing and immigration?

2019-01-15 23:56:17 UTC  

I think a good strategy is making white advocacy seem like the more virtuous choice. It seems like a common theme in history that white people get very motivated when they think a cause is just.

2019-01-15 23:57:01 UTC  

like, shaming white people and telling them they're unvirtuous works very well against us (e.g., Gandhi's strategy against Britain, the left now)

2019-01-15 23:57:35 UTC  

and we have historically gotten very motivated to do things like abolish slavery, bring civilzation to other continents, etc.

2019-01-15 23:58:05 UTC  

the left is already framing this as a matter of good vs. evil

2019-01-15 23:58:20 UTC  

so unless we are definitely on the side of good, hopefully more than the left, we seem like the evil side

2019-01-15 23:58:52 UTC  

I think we should use a different word than genocide, but use the 2020 census as an argument for self preservation?

2019-01-15 23:59:15 UTC  

That is the foundation of law.

2019-01-15 23:59:18 UTC  


2019-01-16 00:01:42 UTC  

@JoeDrake We need to be in the habit of describing ourselves as Identitarian instead of WN. Just a tip. 😃

2019-01-16 00:07:36 UTC  

It's not just about labels, though. Identitarian isn't just another word for WN. As Identitarians, we don't just ascribe to a set of beliefs, we take action to show a new way forward that's relatable to our current circumstances. The only world that we can change is the one in which we actually live. There is a clear path to getting our people to understand they are a group with genuine interests and they have a duty to assert them.

For 60 years, white nationalist groups have failed to come up with a clear path to their solution. Identitarianism is different not just because we also focus on culture, shared historic experience, language, etc., but because our vision tells us what we must do _right now_.

2019-01-16 00:18:42 UTC  

@apronandlace I really, really, agree with that sentiment..

2019-01-16 00:19:25 UTC  

I completely agree with your statements, @Evan Thomas . We need that call to action to set forth real change.

2019-01-16 00:20:09 UTC  

@apronandlace Tbh that is part of why I am in IE. I consider myself on the good side. So yeah, your point about making our cause a good vs. evil thing is spot on

2019-01-16 00:22:13 UTC  

Yeah, and identitarianism, particularly when set against globalism, is easy to characterize as virtuous

2019-01-16 00:30:49 UTC  

Some ways identitarianism is virtuous:
All groups of people can follow their destiny (as JT says)
Honoring the ancestors who made your culture or fought to preserve it
Better wages and protections for the poor, elderly, and infirm, when work and benefits stay generally within a group (compared to open borders)
Better civic engagement and cooperation when there is a cohesive culture
Better for the environment (compared to moving people from low-carbon use countries into ones where they will use more carbon)
Preserving unique cultures, cultural diversity (similar to preserving languages or endangered species or subspecies)
Counteracts exploitative nature of global corporations

2019-01-16 00:34:00 UTC  

And Identitarianism also easily explains the behaviors of other groups that aren't of European descent. Basic Trump supporters need to understand that Democrats don't create identity politics, _identity_ creates identity politics. It's an inescapable aspect of tribalism that the Democrat party has simply exploited. And unless we see ourselves as a group and join the trend toward the politics of identity, we'll be easily pushed aside by groups that defend their interests without hesitation.

2019-01-16 00:37:07 UTC  

@Logan Not sure, but sounds like a good idea nonetheless.