Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 536311797104246794
Like Amish with electric
The Amish are one of the fastest growing groups in America. People crave that simplicity.
We Amish now?
Their family centric community model is superior to modern societies
@bspon002 Yeah, some sects can use limited electricity for lights and things. They can also use chainsaws and power tools. We had a lot of communities in upstate NY. Best damned strawberries you’d ever had (I miss those more than anything). My dad has one of the 15 year old kids from the community paint our garage and he knocked it out in an hour. Damned fine workers.
It official
The Amish are okay
Most Amish men I’ve met are catty bois
They would go to the McDonald’s near my moms house every now and then they gossip a bunch
@VinceChaos @Grayson I’m in process of becoming a member. ⚜️
They are pretty wealthy too. They are buying up land left and right in Tennessee.
That's because theyre exempt from things we aren't
@DaddyPaddy - FL my grandparents live next to a small Amish community in Tennessee. They're very "shy" people. I wouldn't go as far as saying unfriendly, but definitely don't like city folk. They sell the best dairy products!
@giuseppe398 In the process of becoming Amish?
Starbarians episode III came out, so I guess today isnt totally worthless
@CarletonJ They try to avoid our devilish ways, for sure. Unpasteurized milk is the bomb.
We'd always wave at them and they would only give us a thumbs up
Even the children
He won't do that. Trump is too hung up on the "we're all Americans" shtick
I'm not opposed to thinking that he may be letting the democrats hang themselves with unreasonability
If he wins re-election, we’ll see what happens. I hope he’s saving the mass deportations and ending birthright citizenship for his second term since that’ll be his last term and he doesn’t need to worry about optics for re-election.
That's probably what's going through his mind. Little does he know, if he did that, it would secure his second term immediately.
No, @Grayson , joining The order Prince Charles is head.
@giuseppe398 LOL oh! Dude are you serious? That’s awesome man. I’m actually a Monarchist and am fairly involved with the Monarchic Party of Italy and I want the Savoia back on the throne
My take on the latest deal is that it's not bad as far as Trump goes. The reality is the daca Mexicans aren't getting deported any time soon so an extension is better than amnesty certainly. And if rumors hold true of Dems rejected it is definitely going to hurt them as they will be seen as uncompromising.
Seems to me like he's just demonstrating that they're leaving him no option.
@Hakujin - CA Don't ever suggest flyering around high schools. I'm not sure why you'd think that's a good idea, considering how often Leadership tells us not to do it.
@CarletonJ How do you know he’s looking ripped? Am I not seeing all the messages and pictures?
speaking of, can anyone get me an invite to the lifting server?
And lit server <:boomer:394308007217070080>
@CarletonJ Lol I wish somebody was stalking me