Message from @Virgil

Discord ID: 544547237506842635

2019-02-11 08:59:06 UTC  

Donald, start the liberation Donald.

2019-02-11 09:14:21 UTC  

At last truly I see...

2019-02-11 11:16:34 UTC  

Good morning IE fam ☀

2019-02-11 11:28:50 UTC  

@The Morrígan mornin' britt

2019-02-11 12:39:59 UTC  


2019-02-11 14:18:19 UTC  

Good morning
Excited to meet many of you at the conference!

2019-02-11 14:32:28 UTC  

Cuckservative complaints about Rashid Talib and Omar Ilhan being "anti-Semites" irritates me more than Talib and Ilhan do. On one hand it's absurd that we are importing millions of Muslims into this country. We have more Muslim immigrants since 9/11 than we did in the entire history of the country prior to 9/11, that's a complete capitulation by our government. Now these immigrants have gotten enough power to elect a few of their own to Congress. However, instead of cuckservatives being honest and advocating for their own interests they complain about them being "anti-Semites" for making some very modest criticisms of Israel. They are too cowardly to stand up for themselves so they are living vicariously through Israel because a Jewish ethnostate is permissible but our own ethnostate is not.

2019-02-11 14:46:11 UTC  

I just got an alert from the news app on my phone saying that “Cardi B made history” at the Grammys. 😒

2019-02-11 15:28:37 UTC  

Cardi B didn’t make anything but a protuberance of a promiscuous culture.

2019-02-11 15:29:12 UTC  

She’s popularized whoring yourself out to 2 cent little thugs who will only ruin your life as a woman

2019-02-11 15:29:39 UTC  

She’s essentially made a lifestyle of materialism and careless sex.

2019-02-11 15:35:36 UTC  

tbh a _lot_ of women in music and film made that lifestyle

2019-02-11 15:35:54 UTC  

I mean, Nicki Minaj was a stripper before she became a hip-hop personality

2019-02-11 15:39:55 UTC  

Who the heck is Cardi b?

2019-02-11 15:42:54 UTC  

She’s a “former” stripper

2019-02-11 15:43:16 UTC  

A black pop singer

2019-02-11 15:43:32 UTC  

I think so is cardi yeah @Salo Saloson

2019-02-11 15:43:47 UTC  

what is it with pop singers and whoring themselves out?

2019-02-11 15:43:53 UTC  

literal and metaphorical whoring out in this case

2019-02-11 15:44:20 UTC  

I’d be more surprised if they weren’t at this point

2019-02-11 15:56:18 UTC  

Simple, pop singers who are promiscious, are easy to control and take advantage of.

Plus, I'm sure there is a culture of sexual exploitation in the music industry, like in Hollywood and the modeling industry

2019-02-11 16:00:19 UTC  

When it comes to pop singers like that I think it's totally a conspiracy. They're designed to corrupt young people

2019-02-11 16:01:05 UTC  

@Dale Adams While I hate seeing a paper American like Ilhan elected into government, I love seeing the anarchy within the Democratic party as the nonwhite anti-heritage America party eats whites, Jews, and homosexuals alive. Very few cultures, esp Muslims, tolerate Jews and homosexuals. The Democratic party is going to be very fragmented.

2019-02-11 16:03:33 UTC  

@Current Ronin Perhaps, but I suspect that's a secondary motivation.

Honestly, I imagine they got to where they are by sleeping with the right people. Afterall they are using strippers to become pop stars nowadays.

2019-02-11 16:03:41 UTC  

Zman writes about negative and positive identity. White, or Nigerian, or Honduran are all positive identities. They all have some positive, self affirmation. Negative identities are identities that only exist in opposition to another identity. So "POC" is very negative, it only exists in opposition to whites. So POC will turn on their liberal white friends eventually too.

2019-02-11 16:06:46 UTC  

I think it's way more insidious than that. I think it's a legit accusation to say people like cardi b and 69 and lil xan were designed for the soul purpose of making young people degenerate. And at this point they're not even trying to hide it anymore

2019-02-11 16:09:23 UTC  

Also, There's a takashi 69 video with him and a bunch of thicc bikini girls and there's all these weird nods to children. Like teddy bears and toys in the background. It's too bizarre...

2019-02-11 16:17:26 UTC  

I have no idea who any of the people you mentioned are, so I'll have to take your word for it. Sounds very disturbing though, to say the least.

2019-02-11 16:21:02 UTC  

im 30 year old zoomer so i know whats goin on haha

2019-02-11 16:21:26 UTC  

oh takashi...

2019-02-11 16:22:42 UTC  

He probably should stay away from kids.

2019-02-11 16:22:59 UTC  

i think he will be

2019-02-11 16:24:05 UTC  


2019-02-11 16:24:15 UTC  

I dunno if he's gonna do well in prison

2019-02-11 16:24:23 UTC  

most of me is saying "dead man walking"

2019-02-11 16:24:45 UTC  

"sorry kid..thats tha biz!"

2019-02-11 16:25:03 UTC  

thats what all the record execs are saying

2019-02-11 16:27:59 UTC  

@Current Ronin read Libido Dominandi and you won't have any doubt that you're right.

2019-02-11 16:28:53 UTC  

Ick, enough of this degeneracy I'm going back to listening to my black metal

2019-02-11 16:29:40 UTC  

you know whats not degnerate? all the lifting im gonna do