Message from @William Russell
Discord ID: 364788619774263297
I haven't bothered to look into them. They seem like goofballs
@reactionarytree its a bs forced meme pretty much pushed by Sargon to make fun of identity politics and what those of us who ascribe to white identity believe. The magapedes just ended up taking it seriously, and that’s why they have all of the flags and crap now. It’s cringe af
Sounds really lame. Liberalism is a sinking ship and they're the ones rearranging the chairs on the Titanic
The kekistani flag is fun.
But it's annoying that it got co-opted
Most of the people that use it now don't know that the original intent was to fashy signal.
Sargon the Cuck stole kek symbolism from the chans for his personality cult and for this heresy he will be struck down by divine vengeance.
@Perihelion - CA did you see the pure cognitive dissonance in sargoys mind when he interviewed Jared Taylor? He was struggling so hard.
I haven't had the opportunity to watch it yet
If you ever want to smile, put Identity Evropa in google and click the "News" tab. #ProjectSeige is making huge waves on campuses across the US.
This channel needs to remain solely for articles with IE specifically mentioned.
Wow this was not what I was expecting.
Everything else must go to <#359892798071373824> or <#358403210618339338>.
Personally think that fun level in terms of our movement is a must. Of course I.E. is not a s**t posting group. We're real identitarian activists.
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy." They'll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They're doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
From my buddy at MTSU.
Look up how to do screenshots lol
@William Russell We're famous !
@Deleted User Not my shot :/
Triggering school admin into signal amplifying is the ultimate flier win
We should engage in more discussion. @Deleted User has had some recent success with The Argument, especially when it comes to blacks. If we get non-whites supporting us, the leftists have absolutely *nothing* to stand on. Honestly, in the case that my power levels are discovered at my college, the non-whites that I politely engage with and befriend will be in my favor. (((Progressive))), I know, *but* removing the threatening nature that the system has associated with our ideologies is key, they just have to realize that whites are not truly in power and that White Identitarian groups are analogous to their black advocacy groups. We have must be brave, bold when necessary but discrete when advantageous!
Imagine if we actually put up white supremacist posters
Some of the keys are extremely simple things but require at least moderate familiarity with the J.Q.:
1. Biology: Jews are not white. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are mixed. Show them someone praying to a wall and show them a viking, ask to identify about similarities like you would regarding dog breeds.
2. Names: Cohenbergblatt-Liebermanstein is not a european name. Jared Kushner is not european. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is not european. Chuck Schumer is not european. A lot of the "self-hating whites" are *not* white, they are Jews who hate whites and everything European.
3. History: Although whites are to blame (relatively, regarding the Americas), Jews are responsible for the majority of the slave trade reaching the Americas; Jews owned the slave ships and financed the trade, therefore without Jews being involved, we would have had approximately 1/5th of the African slaves brought here, possibly none. Hell, a lot of people think that whites literally went into Africa and enslaved them due to what they're teaching now.
I know this is obvious to most of us, if not all, but we cannot forget that most of this is a rather unique perspective to what they hear and discuss on the daily, it's very possible that these basic details are completely foreign.
Let's not clog this channel with non I.E. Press@Deleted User
Okay, I thought it would be good to post this given the recency of the email screenshot and the constituency of those tweeting about the IE flyers being posted up.
Pretty good quote from our website towards the end
Well done @Deleted User, @Deleted User, and the rest of the PA goys!
yeah, that's a great quote used in that UNC article
They messed up my speech so bad 😂
Quoted it very inaccurately
Pro Nazi posters????? Are you kidding me?
Well, they're not anti. By their logic, it fits. So tiresome.
0% financing for 72 months!!!
What do you guys think of memorizing lines and arguments and going out to a campus with a megaphone? These flyers take up space and show that we're active. But are we really recruiting that many people from it?
They also attributed it to me! @Deleted User
That reporters piece was so garbage.