Message from @wayne peek
Discord ID: 424198308320509952
Yea they actually made it glow and look cooler
The Left can't meme.
Is this a promotion piece or what lol
Wow,high praise looks like
They’re sowing discord between Spencer and us
Of course, we don’t really mind this...
It don’t *ever* get the idea that the SPLC is going to be in the business of admiring, or helping us. They always have a motive
Spencer's doing it to himself
Oh, I know
They’re just taking advantage of it
It’s not inaccurate except for saying we only had 70 people at the conference.
And that we call for an ethnostate. We haven’t officially done that or endorsed any policy.
Aside from the things Evan mentioned, it's overall a mostly fair and accurate article, surprisingly lol. And the picture is really cool.
They called us white nationalists and not neo-nazis. Our normie friendly optics are taking effect.
What a great article! No fake news lol!
well, we aren't WN org, either 😛
but ya it's better than the usual neo-nazi claim
People are starting to see.
You know you're on the right track when you have the eternal black piller saying he's impressed with you.
Maybe Ramzpaul can speak at our next conference
Eh, do we really want him standing there and countersignalling stuff?
Ramzpaul would be perfect
I've gotten to like Ramzpaul. Didn't used to, but he's right about alot of stuff. Having some disagreement isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can make people think and create growth.
@Erika I stopped watching him when he ditched "alt right" label a couple years ago. Realized he was right all along haha. He's been consistently in favor of a homeland and self-determination for our people
Ramz is okay. But I’d like for us to always favor dynamic speakers when we can.
@Deleted User Is this ok
No @Jacob or @Phillip Wiglesworth - FL are better people to ask about this since they will be escorting you to your cell
Negative, @Francisco Nuñez - CA. I deleted.
Even in article thumbnails, such imagery is not permitted, sorry.
It's crazy, RP was absolutley right when he denounced NS very early on and called out Hail gate for what it was.
He took a lot of flak for that.
I even remember watching a video of him in Hungary and talking about a statue of George Washington and how American nationalism was the way forward not the "alt-right", I thought he was being over dramatic, but he was right.
RamZPaul called Anglin and Weev feds. He's a clown.
Yes he was right about 1.0, but for all the wrong reasons.
Even his criticism and departure from Richard over hailgate was ill-timed. Yes Dick turned out to be a prick after that, but hailgate alone was not a reason to react as RamZ did.
Yes, Ramz has gone a bit overboard with the fed accusations, but are Anglin and Weev people we actually want to hitch our wagon to in any way? Lol
For all of Ramzes issues, he's still a million times more reasonable and appealing than Anglin or Weev and the majority of the sperg aimed content they put out/say.