Message from @Tesna1999
Discord ID: 467184052764409856
From reading the bill quickly, this is not an enhancement but a new charge.
See, I'm not a lawyer. That's what I meant, it's an additional charge that carries greater weight than the original charge, at times
Easiest to think of it as a separate crime in this case.
What would be best is what they have in AL.. pretty much make it illegal to wear a mask at a protest or whatever
I always view new laws like this as playing with fire. It might look and sound good on the surface, but it'll burn you just the same.
Particularly since we all know that the law is not applied equally.
Yeah. A “new” law can easily be utilized for the wrong purposes, depending on who is in charge and how the authorities are managed. We should push for less restrictions, overall.
still playing WoW, all i can say is wow
Can we flip this?
32%, Im not sure when the 4pol traffic will drop off. I've started a couple of other PTG threads. Someone should setup up a thread on T_D or some other sites. I dont have a plebbit account.
At 49%! From 25%
51/49, successful raid
At 54%
Hi all - as Matthias mentioned in the recent announcement, we could always use an extra hand from people willing to put some time into building a Wikipedia account to help with maintaining the IE page. Our Wikipedia page is one of the first things that come up on a Google search, and first impressions are always very important.
Currently I am fighting to get the "Neo-Nazi" descriptors off our page, so it won't appear as it currently does in the picture below:
I am making a lot of progress - but the more established accounts I have supporting my case, the easier it is to make things work out in our favor. Send me a DM if you are interested. Let’s show him what the Saxon thinks of Trump
We struck many polls today
Those "Russian bots" were busy today.
I have the real "russian bots" they're called the jews and their golem.
@Mr. Huxley - OH is Sinclair on our team? Most people say they are to the right of Trump, but I don't know who runs it?
@Balbo they are sometimes and they arent other times. They have a business and profit interest, not an explicitly white interest.
Kind of like KochBros
@Freiheit - CA yeah about Koch bros. Every time i refute ‘climate change’ to a libtard Savant, they parrot ‘Koch bros’. I don’t know much about them and never hear about them in the alt-media. Got any good links about them?
Koch Bros are very much our enemies. They are top GOP donors, but they use that influence to push open borders. One even ran as the Libertarian VP candidate years ago
Their politics are literally investment decisions being spent to enrich themselves. Ie: if I give $X dollar to candidate Y and they institute policy Z I stand to make A% return on investment.
I have to admire Soros. He has a particular ideology that he pursues and cost does not matter to him. It’s about the ideas. The rugged individualist think about “how does this benefit or enrich me?”
That’s why I think we should talk about how it could really crappy for wealthy whites when we lose our majority. Show them they should fear for their money if demographics take the course they are projected to take
Third world immigration won't make you rich if the third world immigrants vote to redistribute your property
@Zyzz Soros has enough money that it doesn't matter to him if he makes any more or loses 2% of it. Most people in this world can only experience small amounts of influence as a result of having money, but he understands that by spending, he has exponentially greater influence. He doesn't think in terms of net worth, he's above that. He thinks in terms of ability to effect the social and political movements that will translate into setting the course for human history. He has no morality, only a lust for influence
@TMatthews voting doesn't matter if you're above the law
These guys are all only looking 50-100 years ahead. Maybe sooner. Anything beyond that? Who cares? Soros thrives off destroying currencies or industries and then taking ownership of the cruddy assets. The Kochs benefit immensely from open trade borders. They all know what they’re doing and who they’re screwing.
I have a hard time looking 1000years out, I'm planning my family dynasty 60yrs out. So far I think I can make it happen. I'm making a "guidebook" for finding a white wife with observable traits that appear in successful families.