Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 488563504245112842
NIV is only second worst
Douy Rheims
I personally prefer ESV, but it's your call really
It's the easiest and safest
If your a master at Old English, then I'd suggest King James
@CharLovesPandas18 what do you think about NKJ?
That's alright too
Probably the most popular
I think
what is this?
The daily liturgy of the tridentine mass
KJV has a lot of infamous errors and omissions, but you can always cross reference whatever you want with something like
Chad God replied to me
What is the wrong with the New International Version that makes it so bad compared to other versions?
Oy Vey
We jews now!?
but im not
so that means physical removal is allowed though right?
im converting to catholicism
From what
From being GAAAYYYYY
@ECorp for most parishes the RCIA deadline is Oct 1, you better get on it
what the hell is that @Matt w/ AFM
registration for christian initiation A word
idk man I'm not catholic I'm guessing
i might or might not convert to catholicism
>blessed plants with holy water
>they died
>am staying athiest
@Sam Southern - TN @ECorp Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults, required for unbaptized adults (called catechumens) and baptized adults (called candidates) who wish to convert to Roman Catholicism
Basically a series of rituals and ceremonies that culminate in the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil
Sounds godly
RCIA for me was meeting with the faith counselor to discuss reading about the catechism, answering any of my questions, and a few rites before baptism and confirmation.
There were scheduled meetings but I regularly had college classes during them so I was a special snowflake.
@ECorp If you're seriously thinking about converting great. I recommend not doing it out of vanity though, only if you're really serious about it. It's a big leap of faith.
@Matt w/ AFM the parish i plan on going to has RCIA stuff scheduled even on days past Oct 1
@ECorp yeah like @Fisherman Joe said RCIA may start around October ends at easter. For example at my parish it's one hour a week every week starting mid october, at least if you are baptized