Il Duce

Discord ID: 352860811795890177

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Too bad it didn't hit Mecca

@Bean of Texas That and the pro-life Supreme Court case.

They aren't required to post info on where to get an abortion anymore.

A very slim chance. Incumbents generally have the advantage.

Problem is its going to continue turning blue.

I know people from NJ and other states are moving into VA. They can win with the white vote, but only if whites voted unanimously, which they don't. "Minorities", on the other hand...

I know, I live there.

If whites voted as a bloc, we wouldn't need this discussion. If we need more white Republican support, not necessarily more white turnout as a whole. Unless they begin voting as a bloc.

Not a bad idea.

We really need to work out the logistics of such a move first.

Not necessarily just right wing, but the nationalist movement the Republican Party is becoming.

Kick out the neocons first.

This goes far beyond even Trump. Surprisingly, Stephen Miller (a Jew lol) is a huge voice for the movement.

The problem is the counties she got were large urban areas.

Not much to do with that. Urban areas generally swing left due to reliance on global economy and finance.

Be careful. There aren't many good places left here.

Pittsburgh is really good, but I have yet to move there. Probably gonna move there for college.

Some parts at least.

Rural PA and Pittsburgh are starting to get flooded by Philly.

Eastern PA is nice if you love a whole lot of nothing and New Yorkers ruining the already shitty roads. Believe me, I know.

Good for time off, but really boring otherwise.

I live in the Northeastern tip of PA. Just trees and not much else for like 50 miles.

Not bad I guess.

I don't expect it to stay that way tho.

With it bordering NJ and Philly being in close proximity.

I want to live in a town close to Pittsburgh, but still far away enough to be away from the city itself.

Somewhere in Westmoreland County. 95% white, right next to Pittsburgh.

Democratic: 136,882 (54.94%)
Republican: 87,813 (35.25%)
For Westmoreland County. Interesting that Republicans overwhelmingly control the politics in the region.

@Heckler This is probably the one of the best imo. McHughs is a distinguished professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I have yet to read it very thoroughly, but it states that the "x trapped in a y's body" thing has no basis in any scientific research.

What is the wrong with the New International Version that makes it so bad compared to other versions?

How cruel!!!

That's we form our own mercenary army

Merry Christmas Eve

What kind of music are you listening to?

merry crimbo

Spencer is an absolute retard, you'd literally have to be braindead to still think he's still of any value to anything

Hail literal nobodies

"I think the methheads should have a say too!"

Cantwell is a crying loser fed

And Spencer is a trust fund boy who has never had to work a day in his life. He has no skin in the game at all.

Putting your faith in "public intellectuals" is dumb

Spencer is also 40 years old LMAO

Nehlen is a retard too

Salvini is epic

>Obama is president
>Fed rates stagnant
>Economy recovers
>Trump is president
>Fed rates go up
>Stock market starts to tumble

"Everyone is ZOG" <:bigbrain:385729869209665536>

>Cries about @Sam Southern - TN being "bougie"
>10 minutes later "lol u poor"

>Served in the "ZOG army"

@L8Pepe Gonna be eating cookies, pie, and s'mores soon

@AmericaFirst James Mason couldn't pass 9th grade This is the interview where James Mason briefly talked about dropping out when he was 14 @CrampedMuffin

Good morning gamers

@L8Pepe That cat looks like Tom from Tom and Jerry when he runs into stuff and swallows it whole

What is a nation without race? What other meaningful metric is there to identify the people of the nation?

Two scoops
Two genders
Two terms
Two-pit Pour-Flush Ecological Compost Toilet

Had a lot of fun today

Hello fellow gamers

Good afternoon fellas

I believe they're doing a trial run of it right now

It happens sometimes


It's almost here fellas

If you're that surprised at that, wait'll you hear who's in charge of the House Banking Committee.

I've got a whole slew of posts ready for the big event

One hour left

I think you'll enjoy it

tfw no pingy <:feelsdeadman:400002799359754251>

30 more minutes remain

15 minutes remain

5 more mins

I have something epic to share at 12

For me, frens? Oh, you shouldn't have!

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