Message from @解放兔
Discord ID: 504430499004153868
This one is interesting
so from what i learned about creationists they basically believe "when you disobey god the world goes to shit."
and think that the fairy tales from the bible were real
can't believe someone did this
"when you disobey God the world goes to shit"
the godless West would like a word on the veracity of that statement
also could anyone give me a short reason of how the "Great Flood" started in the bible
did god flood the world for punishment or did he spill his drink
the entire earth became so corrupt that he had to destroy "the society" with the Flood
obviously this is a simplification, but the general point remains true
punishment isn't necessarily how I would describe it either, but in the dichotomy of choices offered, it is more correct than "spilled his drink"
you know i do have to admit these creationists put alot of effort in their attempt to prove that the bible is a history book
Much of it is
Parts are history, parts are songs, parts are proverbs, parts are allegory
stuff such as the roman empire, yes
hopefully chinese heaven exists
it doesn't
y'all eat dogs and bugs
unless its specifically made to be some exquisite dish
Can't be exquisite if it has dogs or bugs
But atheism is a belief in no god so how can you crusade against something that doesn’t exist? <:DAB:447369610598023170> <:bigbrain:385729869209665536>
by executing them in minecraft
Pew pew
I can see why Christianity is of such importance to ya’ll
Is she the 'woman' on the left?? lmao damn
@santa brûlée 2 wtf I love Lutherans now
prob has a penis
fyi, and "Lutheran" Church that has women pastors aren't fucking Lutheran