
Discord ID: 148957253800689664

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***(((White Helmets)))***

One false flag wasn't enough

Clearly Assad is winning despite the odds

Thats if the missiles even do anything

Last time Trump launched an attack that Airbase was operational the next day

Obama and Killary created ISIS

Obama and Killary also killed Ghafaffi for no reason

Oil is part of it

Clearly Israel wants to expand

***(((AiPAC)))*** Fucking hell they're in the name

@Lawrence of Eurabia all countries the Jews, deepstate and neocons want to invade

Jews make up about 2% of the American population, about 0.5-1% in Europe, yet they own like 90% of the media and banks And this is in no way a secret, yet most people don't know this because the media does not mention it seeing how they control said media. And when you tell them this they don't see the problem with this monopoly, and call you a "racist" and an "anti-semitic" Those two words are just ways to silence people from speaking the truth. They silence the truth because they are afraid they are a cowardly and alien race.

(((Ashkenazi IQ)))

But Jews do control the media

So is it really crazy to call them out?

Hitler was right

So what if like

200,000 jews died?

Apparently only 20,000 jews even died in Auswitchz and only like 12% of the population was Jewish

Never Forget Dresden

Jews lied about the Holohoax? Holy shit who would have thunk?

Hitler is immortal

His name and soul will never die

"Gas Chambers"

At most maybe 1.5 million jews died over the course of the war in and out of the camps

Jews disproportionately influenced The Treaty of Versailles ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

Jews controlled the banks in Germany ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

Hitler originally tried to deport most Jews out of Germany.........but no none wanted them ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

""6 million""

( ( ( ( ( I N F I N I T E G O R I L L I O N ) ) ) ) )

James is VERY woke about the JQ

Remember Goyim be sure to visit your local holocaust museum

Never forget the 6 trillion

We really do need more Holocaust museums guys, i haven't been reminded about it enough

@Deleted User You can openly deny any other genocide no problem

@Deleted User ye i could care less about dead kikes

I watched about an hour of it

I need to finish

I also have a copy of Mein Kampf saved away

Schindlers list is just 3 hours of Jews trying to get sympathy and money

Like how many fucking movies do we need about the Holocaust?

Even worse you have Inglourious Basterds serving as a kike power fantasy

Internment camps but yeah

Basically concentration camps

I feel like the wolfenstein games are just kike power fantasies ๐Ÿ˜ญ you never get to play as the good guys ๐Ÿ˜ฅ


Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times

Universal suffrage by default is a shit idea

Plutocracy pls

pls no every day is a black pill

Immigration wont make the world a better place

Mexico and the rest of meso america will never improve if all those with any real drive just up and leave


i'll be honest i dont know who the fuck Rosenstein is

Well i could tell he was a gigakike just by the name

well one less jew sounds good to me

its too bad Trump's daughter married Kushner :/

Trump actually draining the Jewish swamp that is DC

i mean those who serve in the military don't exactly get to choose what wars they fight in :/ which well how its supposed work sure

but when its so obvious that America is a jewish pet it kinda sucks to know youre fighting on the wrong side

i enlisted because i didnt want to go to college jokes on me

@David Darnell - MT We will die for Israel together at least <:feelsdeadman:400002799359754251>

Is Rosenkike actually getting fired?

Mattis is Trump's rock

Mattis will save the world

its been swell

<:pillblack:378697476238213130> <:feelsdeadman:400002799359754251>

It doesn't matter if this was Trump's decision or not

He didn't stand his ground

He needs to do a lot to try and work his base back

because right now his only base is just fucking boomers, neocons and maga retards

god why are boomers so fucking dumb

Trump lost himself an election tonight

No way in hell he wins

hes going to need Wall and then some

Gas attacks that never happened

Or if they did happen

Were not committed by Assad

And let's hypothetically Assad did gas people

How do these strikes that potentially kill more people solve anything

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