Message from @unclefesterr
Discord ID: 540238601619767372
I’m at work but I can take a lunch break and listen in and type questions
i will not be able to stay for the entire time as well because i have work at 1pm
afaik you don't have to listen into the Q&A but it's encouraged
A few notes @here
Our conference, <#489823000707727360>, is in early March. AmRen is in May.
When does our chapter coordinator contact us?
VA stronk
Is there a fee for the utah meetup? Or is it more casual
At work can’t ask questions my apologies great job Patrick
@Current Ronin no fee for Defend Utah
BNB fee will be 20$ total for new comers. We've had to get a 2nd house
Around 24
I’m guessing I missed orientation
I think I did as well
Yeah I have work today until about 3 or 4 unfortunately
Are the orientations only on Wednesday’s?
Patrick said there's going to be one in the evening next week.
That’s good
Now that we’ve attended the orientation, are we official members?
i was wondering the same thing. is there a process that we must go through to in order to formally transition from pledge to member?
To need to complete a secondary interview with your coordinator
Awesome, thanks so much, Patrick. I’ll message my coordinator ASAP.
yes, thank you for your response, Patrick.
Yes looks good
No one is talking yet which is why you don't hear anything.
Ok thanks
What time will the Tuesday orientation be, if it's been scheduled already?
Typically at 8 PM
Next orientation will be Tuesday at 8:00 PM EST. I hope to see you there!
cc: @Danimal876
I will be there!
Same here!
Is there an orientation scheduled for Saturday as well?
@Enkrateia - CO Not yet. One could happen but I wouldn't plan on it.
@Logan Thanks. Tuesday nights are busy for me.
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain team, @Enkrateia - CO! Looking forward to bringing you on board.