Message from @DTMax
Discord ID: 512064098545172481
Thank you.
Is there an estimate of how long the orientation typically lasts?
Hey @Matthias, I think I should be able to make it to Tuesday's orientation
I’ll be there for sure tomorrow night.
I'll be there
@Josh M. -OH usually 1 - 2 hours.
I won't be able to attend the entire orientation. Any chance its recorded?
I have a class at 6 pm pacific which is 9 pm eastern!!! I can come on until 5:50 pacific (8:50 eastern) if that is okay!!!
I’ll be there
I'm seconding what Josh1534 - OH said. I won't be able to attend the entire orientation. Is it possible to join in late/listen to it later? Or do I have to wait until the next orientation?
Hey everyone. Ultimately it may be best for you to make the next membership orientation scheduled later in the month if you can't make the one tomorrow, as this information is pretty foundational and important.
Keep in mind also that as pledges, you still have pretty wide access to the national servers here on Discord. A few weeks as a pledge won't be the end of the world, if that's what your circumstances allow.
I'll be there tomorrow night
I'll come on tommorow before class, and try to listen during class, I have a few tricks up my sleeve if you know what I mean!!! If I have to leave early, I will come to the Saturday one!!!
@Danimal876 is there a calendar of events available? Would make it reasier for me to arrange attendance of important meetings.
There will normally be two membership orientations a month: one on the second Tuesday and the other on the last Saturday of each month. They're held at 8:00 PM EST in the Pledge Hall voice chat room. There are weekly, optional "fireside" chats every Wednesday evening at 8:30. Other special events, like large conferences or actions, are announced as time goes on.
Wish I could talk
Got coworker in car
I'm a very social guy lol
Hate it when peeps on discord are too shy to talk
But coworker is black and he is very smart
is he a pledge too lol
Also, Its just rude to talk on the phone while in a car with someone
Nah. He's cool though. But like, I ain't boutta ruin my whole life
I gotcha
Why's it so dead
Isn't being early white?
I dunno man I thought it was
U listen to TRS at all?
I havent
New member orientation will begin promptly at 8:00 PM ET. See you there!
Good to see some fellow Californians!
how are you?
the orentation thing thats 5 our time?