The Soy Goy

Discord ID: 148641574505545728

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Lmao there's this one too

@Deleted User Downvoting vids like that just gives them more attention, better to ignore them entirely

Unless you're making a response vid or something. Also, that bitch has the most annoying voice I've ever heard in my entire life.

Look at the reactions on this guy's video

I was under the impression that this guy was one of the "le rational skeptic antifeminists", or at least he was back when I watched his content, but he openly praises Spencer in the opening of the video and the comment section is full of nothing but support

(also, our hurricane spencer meme is in the vid as well)

It wouldn't surprise me if he eventually grows balls big enough to endorse GI

Especially if it gets big in the UK

Hey Brooke, what's going on? I'll get you all set up once you pay your dues

Ok in that case @sigruna14 can you get her set up? I can't do it on my phone

I've got people in my college republican group talking about how ISIS is a branch of the Israeli army and claiming that Abu Bakr al Bagdhadi is a Mossad agent lmao

Some kid in My Aesthetics class just pointed out that he thought it was weird how every post modernist or deconstructivist artist we've talked about was Jewish

The professor just said "yeah that is weird isn't it" and moved on haha

That's a pretty huge deal

Should we contact the news and say some shit like "there's a massive white supremacist banner outside your city"

Or should we be more neutral?

What highway was it dropped on?


I was going to call and say I saw it as I drove past

@Deleted User Bro you're going to need to chill out

Yo someone set my mans up

This is good fellas

Can one of you with twitter clout just link this dude an article on the Holodomore? I'd do it myself but Jack personally shoah'd me forever off twitter.

Good to see you buddy

Have you tried asking to take it down?

Ok gotcha

Look in the comments of this article

@everyone If any of you guys have some experience or knowledge on developing apps, I have an opportunity for you. I need someone to make an app that people can use to report and record illegal immigrant crimes to make a database that can be publicly available. If that sounds like something you might be able to help with please send me a DM.

Thanks to @micbwilli @ParadoxusX and @Brooke for coming out!


Hey Bro, I Saw Your Post, Very Based, and Red Pilled as Well, Keep It Up Bro.

Patrick Casey is the Jarl of Identity Evropa

I just wanted to give pat a compliment


Redgaurds have curved swords

Skyrim for the Nords, Europe for the Europeans

IDENTITY EVROPA IS THE FUTURE <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:deye:359010025223618570> <:deye:359010025223618570> <:deye:359010025223618570>

This is targeted harassment

@Kingfish That just means that we have to work harder to get more people to help stop the great replacement!

Sustain yourself on the love of your people @Anti Weeb Aktion

That's how I'm so thin man

Hell yeah!

@V.Balboa - PA Hell yeah buddy!

Hell yeah borther

@Conatus Is ur profile pic a pic of McCain?

Ah, my b

Narcos is way better

@Conatus That's my favorite anime

I prefer the Brady Bunch tbh

hell yuh

gallic boys

Caesar was the Richard Spencer of Ancient Rome

He was a better emperor than u

the scots are the strongest of all people

Cause the romans never conquered them

the triggered romans had to build a wall to stop them from getting debated by the celts

The scots facts and logic were too much for the roman sjws

England was Rome's Safe Space

@Virgil this is the real question

The answer is no they weren't

cause they aren't decended from the aryan polar space aliens

Hell yeah

We wuz romanz

@Kingfish did u know the spartans were nords?

Laconian means northmen


Everyone was black


is a nuclear take

I was joking about the space aryans but that's unironically more plausible

This is true

unironically if you support the senate you deserve to have your hands nailed to the senate door

@John O - throw yourself off the Tarpeian rock


***i want u to imagine***

to listen to a bad podcast

@Grayson no one has a problem with Nathan lmao

@Kingfish learn yourself

and the romans were black

You're caught up

You can have your own opinion of him big guy

4-10 to Tel Aviv


He's not the only one

hell yeah


@MrDefault Hey Bro, I Saw Your Post, Very Based, and Red Pilled as Well, Keep It Up Bro.

Hell yeah

anything but italian


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