Message from @The Soy Goy
Discord ID: 363109903109193729
Hell yea Huuuuge whitepill
>DOJ files suit against company for allegedly not hiring Americans
I should have posted this a while ago as this happens a few weeks back, however There was a small scandal where I work the admin hired Somalians and people where complaining about how "stupid they are" and admin was being a virtue signaling fag in a meeting saying " there just as smart as any of you don't be a bigot" and when i pointed out the average IQ there is 68 he got pissed and people stood up for me lol
The skinnys where spraying cleaning chemicals on tables while residents where eating.
It takes so much effort to be deliberately retarded on the race question
Read the comments
Lmao I noticed that too
I'm sure it's just a coincedence
Almost all her articles seem to be about "White Supremacy" which is really funy
She wrote a story on the Auburn White Student Union where she said this "The alt-right group, which once identified as W.A.R. E.A.G.L.E. – Whites of the Alt-Right Educating Auburn Gentiles for Liberation and Empowerment – said the United States becomes “ever more divided” the more non-whites it has."
That acronym tho..
Look at the stands
The game hasn’t started yet, from my understanding
they locked arms like cucks
As long as they are linking arms, they should play ultimate red rover. It could become a thing.
Operation "Safe City"
"Vast majority did not link arms" according to espn
The newest Marlow is coming along quite nicely.
@Marlow looking good buddy!
Hes gonna be a fighter, I can tell
@Marlow Cute kid brother. Has he started MMA yet?
@Deleted User that's no kid brother... that's my 4th baby.
Lol I know. I meant baby
My third is on the way
Feb 17
OHH!!! lol I read that all wrong!
"cute kid, brother"
you need to punctuate, my nibba