Steve - NJ

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But it helps to have other accounts supporting our stance so we can demonstrate there is weight behind our claims

The issue is that if we have 5+ accounts that are brand new vouching for my arguments then its gonna look suspicious and admins may be less inclined to make the changes I have suggested

Definitely a fine line we need to tread

@Deleted User he did already

We were DM'ing last night so he's getting set up

Yup I have this whole point laid out for a wiki dispute already

Hi all - as Matthias mentioned in the recent announcement, we could always use an extra hand from people willing to put some time into building a Wikipedia account to help with maintaining the IE page. Our Wikipedia page is one of the first things that come up on a Google search, and first impressions are always very important.

Currently I am fighting to get the "Neo-Nazi" descriptors off our page, so it won't appear as it currently does in the picture below:

I am making a lot of progress - but the more established accounts I have supporting my case, the easier it is to make things work out in our favor. Send me a DM if you are interested.

Quite the title on this one

Looks like we made WSJ too

Thanks! @ThisIsChris also helped here

Tweet your thoughts to @ABC36News about Katie's vile tweet. She is an anchor for ABC36 in Kentucky

Check out ABC 36 News (@ABC36News):

I like how the one guy interviewed says "every ethnic group has a seat at the table and everyone's ideas are accepted"

LOL yea ok

except whites clearly

@Brunswick "Hi my name is Sam Hyde and for 300 bucks i'll tell you everything there is about identify europa"

@Deleted User you gonna start redpilling us on the interdimensional space vampires or what?

**Blocks your path** .... *"Braaaaaaaaave"*

Like an NPC that keeps you from getting to the next area in the storyline

"How about maintaining vigilance over your own waistline first, Daryle Lamont Jenkins?"

Great job @Brunswick, making NJ proud!

Welcome @Deleted User! Who was your interviewer?

lip mass test

*Phew, looks like my 32% Italian came in handy*

Great work guys!

@Prestor John thanks I'll take note

We did a cleanup and flyered too

Anyone else cannot see the comments to our response to the Trump tweet?

It says there's only 21 replies when i checked

Twitter is definitely censoring that twitter post, 20 min ago I could see the responses to my reply and now they're gone too.

Amazing how the top replies now are apparent facts to justify land seizures and farm murders

Regardless, i think it's great that trump is recognizing this. Big whitepill guys

@Felden - CO great! I can see them now

I think if we just post our embassy action in response to her tweet it would bring attention to what we do to her audience. Not sure if it needs to come from our official twitter though since we just posted on DT's post last night


Normies definitely have heard of vox

Their stuff is pushed everywhere

We should help spread the stories of these Boer families and their dire situation in South Africa today

Male cheerleaders are going to be on the cover of madden next year, watch
The editors vandalizing our wiki page have done the same to Lana from red ice

Ancient Greeks were pretty woke

Thanks @Asatru Artist - MD. I'll delete my un-archived post

@Kane it's a widespread problem on wikipedia with these kinds of things. There are very dedicated people who likely get paid to prevent right-wing groups from being represented fairly

All you really need to know about the group behind all of this:

Openly collaborating with people who espouse values/behaviors which are detrimental to our movement is a good way to have ourselves lumped together with those types of people in the eyes of conservatives. We work very hard to maintain a certain image of well-adjusted people and it can easily be ruined if we let those with questionable optics affiliate with us.

We post our content on twitter and youtube. That has much more reach and impact than a small-town radio station

@DickHead I would suggest you put your thoughts and energy into a more organized and written form and submit an activism proposal. Try to think of something that would move this organization forward and bring that plan into action

There are people willing to help you with writing up proposals, message your coordinator or another member.

It's always fun to think 1000 steps ahead for what we plan to do or where we plan to be someday. But genuine success comes through understanding the smaller steps required to get there. The fact we have so many well-adjusted and high agency people in IE should be very telling of the kind of people our ideas attract and how stable our ideas are for moving forward.

2018-09-23 21:20:39 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  


@Conway - OK you're welcome

@Max Bianco - NY #BelieveSurvivors

The last layer of flyerception ends with Cuomo himself taking down a flyer of about 20 iterations of people taking down our flyer of him

@wondertwins I'll get you set up with an interview this week - check your DM's

Not good

I'd pull my child out of school if that creature was teaching them every day

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN This has already been taken care of

I'd stop giving the guy attention or watching his videos

Great work!

They just couldnt help themselves with the dramatic background music

@Asatru Artist - MD trinitarians BTFO!!!

Hostile NPC mobs be spawning all over that twitter thread

His twitter apparently liked at least one anti trump post - can't verify the accuracy of this though

Yes, @Reinhard Wolff meant to only flyer public universities

Yeah please reach out to me for Cyberstrike guys

You mean **golden**

To symbolize luxury and high society

Yeah orthodox churches you typically stand the whole time

RIP legs after leg day

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN i'm not buying it yet, just came out on the 15th

*We have the most based fans, don't we folks?*

@Lily Lee - NJ Based on your earlier messages I'm trying to understand what are you trying to accomplish here?

@Lily Lee - NJ I meant your messages in general chat just a few minutes ago lol. I'll get you flyers btw

No worries lol

Is NPC considered a dead meme at this point?

I've seen its usage on twitter decline since the election I think

I agree the meme still has potential, I just haven't seen it on twitter much lately

Memefucius dropping the meme wisdom

I remember my first meme

Meme market is saturated

@Papa Pizzagate I like how the artist gave up on drawing his face tattoos so they drew some scribbles instead

Carlton is probably /ourguy/

Very high IQ

2018-11-25 23:39:09 UTC [Literature Club #discussion_botm]  

So I recently ordered Rules for Radicals a few weeks ago without even knowing it was going to be the botm. Checked this server today and lo and behold there it is. Look forward to reading it with you guys!

2018-11-26 00:28:22 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

Thank you @Lycurgus!

We've added a new member in NJ almost every week in Nov. The chapter is growing for sure

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